8 thoughts on “George webb and Jason Goodman behind Dirty Bomb Hoax Charleston Maersk Memphis

    1. Spike, this coming from you let’s me know they are not worth my time.

      I was wondering about them and you answered it. Thank you.

  1. I’d never heard of these guys until a post on the Trenches yesterday. I did watch about 20 min. worth about Seth Rich’s murder.

    I will say I was wondering if “Goodman” was a jew boy. The name got me wondering. Then I wondered if they were homos together.

    Anyway, like I said, I really know nothing about the news they report whether it’s accurate or not.

    This fellow that did this video appears to think they are “spoofers.”

    Mary posted yesterdays vid. and she’s pretty good about sourcing her material from what I can tell. Mary, perhaps you can give some backround on Webb and Goodman because I always like to know if people can be trusted before I spend time reading or listening to their material. thanks.

      1. Thanks, Katie. He’s done plenty in the open so far to earn crosshairs. Openly supporting the perpe-traitors that have been destroying US in ANY way for ANY reason shows there is no depths they would sink to undermine US. They are bona fide 100% kosher shill sayanim.

  2. I had followed George Webb for a few months…some wonderful reporting and dot-connecting! However, after he divulged his jewish-ness and never once labeled isreal as the center of all evil on earth, I dropped this hot potato and haven’t watched again…still, like all good tacticians, he gives a lot of good truth mixed in with the dis-info…things like child sex trafficking, organ harvesting for the elites, etc.

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