July 6, 2022
(1/3) The GBI is releasing surveillance video from this morning’s explosion that destroyed the Georgia Guidestones. pic.twitter.com/Vo3RyjDxdN
— GA Bureau of Investigation (@GBI_GA) July 6, 2022
(2/3) The videos show the explosion and a car leaving the scene shortly after the explosion. No one was injured. pic.twitter.com/8YNmEML9fW
— GA Bureau of Investigation (@GBI_GA) July 6, 2022
(3/3) For safety reasons, the structure has been completely demolished. pic.twitter.com/hrpqN2Sphr
— GA Bureau of Investigation (@GBI_GA) July 6, 2022
May the person/persons that did it, never be found out.
This guy is right in what he says at the 4:11 mark ( people are stupid )
Swifty, I was expecting to hear something different. Then he says it’s “A tourist attraction.” Does he not know about the population reduction that the guidestones aimed for? We’re talking of about 8 billion humans—> poof!!
He says, “I hope they catch whoever did that and puts ’em in jail. It’s just mean. … Ya can’t have nothin’ nice, I guess.” Well, I guess he doesn’t know about the bad guys, The Reset, the NWO, the Noahide Laws, etc.
Galen, I posted the vid just to show how ignorant some of the locals there are. I watched other videos about it and several of the locals seemed to think it was an American icon. Just pointing out their stupidity. Check out this one.
Oh, okay, now I understand. Thanks, Swifty.
FYI That “monument” was pagan, evil, and connected to Deep State Cabal, One World Order! It was a curse on our country and beliefs. Explanation in The Marshall Report, Georgia Explosion.
Anyone notice the spotlight get really really bright a split second before the explosion?
Yes, I was thinking tanerite…
It’s about time those came crumbling down, now show me what’s in the time capsule.
What happened to the time capsule?
It’s my belief it was an inside job, one or more of the officers hired to keep the guide stones from being mauled. Just a hunch.
Whatever may be behind this day, I want to celebrate it as a peoples’ victory. So many theories flying around out there from inside job to natural causes. I wonder if they’ll rebuild it surreptitiously, and in another remote location. Maybe they’re clearing evidence, not just of their plans to destroy most of us, but also of what might be in that time capsule. And could it be one BIG DISTRACTION to keep us from focusing on what they’re currently up to/getting ready to pull off. Personally, I feel some sense of relief that the words “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000” are no longer carved in stone, but rather reduced to dust.
If there is a real champion dude out there who just had enough and said a big FK NO to their plans, hats off to you, friend. You gave July 6th a little place in the history of our struggle for freedom. IF…
Galen, I find myself pondering similar thoughts. I really want this to be a blow against the enemy on the side of freedom. My other thoughts give the enemy far too much credit for how they plan well in advance. Thinking things through to the final conclusion, the power of freedom will blast their plans, surrepetitious or otherwise, into oblivion eventually. What other choice do we have?
How would someone get tannerite on site without being seen?
Slow it way down and That’s one heck of a bright flash, actually 2 flashes, and the debris goes away from the flash.
That’s exactly what I am seeing.
Seems that it was something of a shape charge
judging by the debris flying, and the course of the wind.
The main force can be seen coming through south of mid.
The sheeple they interviewed made me laugh.
Its historical. Lol
Here’s how I felt when I heard The Guidestones were brought down. But yes, the victory-rush was short-lived for we know the beast is still at large and question what part it played in this. But for a moment… for a moment:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vry0ijbJVE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vry0ijbJVE