29 thoughts on “Georgia Guidestones

      1. Here, I’ll save you two some time. lol

        Up yours, Georgia Guidestones!

        ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
        ……….”…………. _.•´

  1. Glad nobody has wrecked this yet.It’s just some proof for the people to see of things that need to be dealt with.

  2. The first one is listed on top as w/ o that, the others will be so much more difficult to force have the remaining populace adhere to…

  3. Last thing in my sights is a piece of granite with words,kinda like a book,don’t burn it.Eat the chicken,spit out the bones. Now I’m getting ready ta burn burgers on the grill and meet the young lady that loves it when things are in perfect order. PS I’m still in training. Who disagrees with, it’s time to thin the herd? Don’t worry be happy?

  4. It makes me wonder what they plan on doing with 6.5 billion dead human corpses. I know most of them are pedophiles but are they all necrophiliacs, also? Maybe they figure on burning them in the non-existent furnaces like in the holohoax.

  5. Ahhhhhhhhh, I can’t quite go with that. Ground meat, it’s the butcher’s special. It’s only “a little ” human DNA in your hot dogs. Be sure to grab some relish, Heinz Tomato Catsup, and some “Frenches” mustard! Oh, boy! Oh, yummy.

  6. Rage Against the Stones

    Voting – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Calling/complaining to ‘jew’ blackmailed congress – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Exposing waste/fraud/abuse – whistleblowers murdered – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Point to a piece of paper with rules to constrain government power without actually demanding by threat of deadly force that government adhere to said constraints – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Creating new political parties – infiltrated during creation – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Marching and protesting with a stupid sign in hand – herded into zones/sidelined – beaten/tased/pepper-sprayed/shot by israeli trained pigs – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Humans put into cages for victimless ‘crimes’ – no one cares because it’s not them – most, when released are no longer sane – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Corporate run for-profit prison industry lobbying for more laws to fill cages. – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Stupidly giving up arms – criminals rule – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Stupidly allowing a ‘jew’ run central bank to ‘rent’ you money and allowing them to steal your labor in the form of ‘income’ taxes to pay said rent – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Allowing ‘jew’ dominated government the ability to steal ones labor and give it to ones that don’t know the definition of labor, and certainly don’t participate in it. – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Allowing pernicious usury – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Allowing any corporation (including washington d.c./vatican/city of london) the power to dictate public policy – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Allowing the ‘jew’ created UN to dictate policy within the US and to the world. – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Allowing ‘jew’ dominated government and greedy corporations the ability to suppress by deadly force any technologies that would advance humanity is stupid – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Allowing abortion and selling of aborted fetus body parts to be bought/sold/auctioned/traded as a good is a refection of total moral degeneracy. – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Allowing CPS to steal children (thus destroying families) and sell
    them to anyone who can pay is shameful to the last. – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Allowing ‘jew’ dominated government to demand you allow them to poison your own children with killing ‘vaccines’ is shameful to the last. – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Watching the ‘jew’ dominated ‘education’ prison system make your children stupid and program them against you is disgusting.
    – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Watching and allowing ‘jew’ owned monsanto to arrogantly ‘modify’ perfect creation to poison you and your family is just plain stupid. – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Feeding the world-wide ‘jew’ dominated military industrial complex to continue the cycle of death/destruction, divide/conquer, order from chaos, will give the ‘jews’ what they want…humanity’s end.
    – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Paying rent to own your own land -live as a serf to enrich thieves – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Allowing psychopathic, borderline retarded individuals to don costumes, ignore any constitutional constraints, spew unlawful orders, put you in a cage or shoot you dead if you refuse to comply, and be trained by foreign ‘jew’ psychopaths on how to better kill you, is accepting an open-air, ‘jew’ owned and operated prison (see palestine) and acquiescing to being a prisoner on the plantation of exploitation and death. – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Staring hypnotically and believing ‘jew’ owned and operated media talking heads that dictate ones very existence of how to behave, what to buy, what to wear, what to be concerned about means you are mentally dead. – nothing changes – same path to destruction followed.

    Governments (especially ‘jew’ infested ones) never ever willingly give up power. Not ever. Only when faced with absolute destruction will they attempt to negotiate to save their collective cowardly asses.

    ‘Judaism/perverted babylonian phariseeism’ is the only ‘religion’ where lying/cheating/stealing/deception/murder against non ‘jews’ are tenants of their ‘religion’. Everything they touch becomes destruction and death. What sort of people adhere to this
    insanity? Their schizophrenia stems from their guilt. Their insanity stems from jealousy due to their inability to control creation so they rebel against the divine and destroy creation like a spoiled narcissistic child that doesn’t get its way.

    Allowing israeli dual citizens/crypto ‘jews’/overt ‘jews’ to have one iota of power over you – nothing can ever change – path to destruction GUARANTEED!


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