Climate change alarmists have been likened to a fanatical ‘cult’ by an MIT professor of meteorology.
Dr Richard Lindzen told a Massachusetts-based radio station that people who believe in global warming are becoming more hysterical in their arguments.
‘As with any cult, once the mythology of the cult begins falling apart, instead of saying, oh, we were wrong, they get more and more fanatical,’ he said.
‘You’ve led an unpleasant life, you haven’t led a very virtuous life, but now you’re told, you get absolution if you watch your carbon footprint. It’s salvation.’
According to Howie Carr at Breitbart, the 74-year-old highlighted reports by Nasa that 2014 was the hottest year in recorded history.
He points out that the Nasa climate scientists who made the claim was only 38 per cent sure this was true.
‘Seventy per cent of the Earth is oceans, we can’t measure those temperatures very well,’ he said. ‘They can be off a half a degree, a quarter of a degree.

In 1990, the UN’s climate panel predicted with ‘substantial confidence’ that the world would warm at twice the rate that has been observed since. The IPCC report found that, by the end of the century, the emission of greenhouse gases will bring temperatures that are about 3.7°C (6.7°F) warmer
‘Even two-10ths of a degree of change would be tiny but two-100ths is ludicrous. Anyone who starts crowing about those numbers shows that they’re putting spin on nothing.’
Dr Lindzen was a lead author of Chapter 7, ‘Physical Climate Processes and Feedbacks,’ of the IPCC Third Assessment Report on climate change.
But he has previously blasted the IPCC for blaming humans for a global warming trend that appears to have cooled in recent decades – and then glossing over the warming slowdown.
‘I think that the latest IPCC report has truly sunk to level of hilarious incoherence,’ Dr Lindzen told Climate Depot – a site known for questioning the theory of global warming.
A number of studies have suggested that powerful winds in the Pacific Ocean, which have driven surface heat deep underwater, could be the reason behind the current ‘pause’ in global warming.
The IPCC has said that rising temperatures will exacerbate poverty and damage land and marine species.
It also claims that the world is in ‘an era of man-made climate change’ and has already seen impacts of global warming on every continent and across the oceans.
On Tuesday, President Obama said that ‘no challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change’.
He has pledged that he would veto legislation turning back White House efforts on the environment.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2922553/Global-warming-believers-like-hysterical-cult-MIT-scientist-compares-climate-alarmists-religious-fanatics.html#ixzz3PkSOENpw
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I’ll repeat myself for those who have never heard me harp on this. The Milankovich cycle clearly explains the seasons of the 26000 year long cycle known as the Yuga. We are heading into the summer period now, so yes, like in the summer the globe will get warmer. It’s a fact, there is not anything anyone can do about it. We are coming out of spring, notice the ice melting? This should be first grade reading and understanding. These clowns are like the Mayan kings predicting an eclipse. It’s not magic.
nothing worse than hysterical belief in bullshit.
Mr Shivley,
I was listening to your radio program yesterday and I agree whole-heartedly with what you said. “Christianity” has destroyed the United States, simply because people will not believe what the New Testament says and create all manner of screwy ideas out of the word of God. The same thing has happened and is happening to the constitution. “Hell they are not reading the damn document, they are just reading over it.” The same goes with the Bill of Rights. Like all patriots, I believe that individual liberties are higher than the law of the collective. Being a devout Christian, devoted to Jesus Christ and his word, there is no way that I would live under “Christianism”.
yes, I’m with Henry on that matter too. I’m not joining any religious crusade, and we’ll have to watch out for that when the dust settles.
But.. a lot of laws were passed that enforce Christianity because congress was actually representing the people, who were all Christians back then. HOWEVER…. that may be the case, but every one of them should have been struck down as soon as they violated the rights of another American.
There was no resistance to these laws because almost everyone wanted them due to their religious beliefs, and from there, they just became part of our culture.
I understand and agree with Henry too. He’s absolutely right on that matter, but I also believe that Christianity was enforced because Americans didn’t stand up for their constitutional rights, essentially allowing it to happen, because the vast majority were Christians. We’ll learn from our mistakes, and make a better effort to enforce the separation of church and state this time around.
another danger that religion exposes us to here is Jews pretending to be Christians using this issue to divide the patriot movement, and I would expect them to be doing exactly that. (standard operating procedure for the Zionists)
Is the MIT scientist surprised by this? Most of the TV watching public is a hysterical cult screaming for or against one thing or another without ever even knowing what they’re talking about.
Global warning, gun control, the war on terror, cops protect us… etc. etc.
They have a hundred TV-induced beliefs they’re hysterical about despite any facts proving the contrary, and that’s fanaticism if you ask me.
You can feed the sheeples a truckload of bullsquat and they’ll lap it up like a dog with it’s own vomit. People are dumb, scared shitless, and will submit to any draconian measure that will give them some sense of security. I just hope I don’t end up on the top of the heap before they “doze” us under. They didn’t buy those millions of rounds of ammo to store in a warehouse.