HAARP Status Increases As Dangerous Derecho Storm Approaches Ohio

Before It’s News – by John Rolls


Published on Jul 6, 2012

A view of the June 29, 2012 super derecho strom from the WJTA 88.9FM security camera. Camera is looking almost directly East. At the beginning, you can see an edge of the storm to the left, and the winds were already really high until the storm arrives at the 38 second mark. At 2:57, you can see what looks like a funnel cloud begin to form on the left and goes away about 10 seconds later. At4:22 a second intense wave of wind and rain begins, which doesn’t end until after the video ends. Altogether the wind and rain lasted a full 20+ minutes. Incredible winds speeds in excess of 90mph. And yes, I waited out the storm in the trailer. Fool.


4 thoughts on “HAARP Status Increases As Dangerous Derecho Storm Approaches Ohio

  1. Like I commented yesterday on a similar article, this has HAARP written all over it. The whole area that is suppose to be hit is heated up and is increasing extremely fast in frequency.

  2. Wow. Look at those HAARP trails in the 3rd picture. Yea, tell me that’s normal. More like “abbynormal”. Another weather manipulated disaster waiting to happen.

    Gotta keep FEMA in business, you know. Between them and TSA, I don’t know who’s a more waste of taxpayers money.

    In addition, this is just our government trying to destroy us and depopulate us and then taking all our land and money.

    Let’s see….what states were hit in the past few years with no FEMA aid or help? Kentucky, Louisiana, Texas, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Maryland, Oklahoma, Florida, Georgia, probably Arkansas and Alabama and now Illinois and Iowa.

    Hmm….tell me again, what is FEMA’s mission again? I forgot, since every time some big disaster happens, they either can’t get through with their aid and supplies OR their offices are closed until weeks AFTER the event is over.

  3. At one point in this interview http://youtu.be/UCHU7ohTNCs (long, sorry, I’m not going to re-listen to it to find the quote) Catherine Austin Fitts says a financial client asked her about finding a way to protect himself from sovereign bond losses after a particularly nasty hit on Indonesian bonds. As Fitts looked into the data, she found a pronounced shorting of Indonesian bonds one week before the 2004 tsunami. She could come up with no other plausible explanation than that someone knew when the earthquake and tsunami would hit. Draw your own conclusions.

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