Stupid: GOP Rep. Peter King calls conservatives worried about NSA spying “Michael Moores”

Bluegrass Pundit

Douchebag alert…

Via NRO:

On Fox News this afternoon, Peter King (R., N.Y.) called for the prosecution not just of Edward Snowden, the ex-CIA employee who leaked details about NSA surveillance operations and the government’s PRISM program, but also of Glenn Greenwald, the reporter who first broke the details in the U.K.’s Guardian. Greenwald is an American citizen currently living overseas. […]  

“Too many Republicans and conservatives have become Michael Moores, and I think it’s really dangerous to our country.”

Keep reading…

5 thoughts on “Stupid: GOP Rep. Peter King calls conservatives worried about NSA spying “Michael Moores”

  1. …impeach Rep. King….charge him with treason….convict him…and hang him very slowly….as he chokes to death…bring him back again and again….make his death as difficult as possible….I mean…the right to air and breathing isn’t absolute… Hang his convicted ass…and the at the end of his life… torch him on fire with oil-laced gasoline….teach him what liberty feels like….effing’ traitor…hang him…convict him and hang him…


    RJ O’Guillory
    Webster Groves-The Life of an Insane Family

    1. Hi RJ,

      This puss filled bag of treasonous filth, Peter King (Retard, NY) would be VERY lucky if you got to decide his manner of death,…

      I wouldn’t be nearly as kind or merciful as you.

      JD – Personally, I think RJ’s method of executing these traitors is quite lenient,.. but its a great starting point!

  2. Peter Kings needs to realise one thing. The Guardian is a British newspaper, based in London, England. Therefore, the Guardian, as a British newspaper, is ONLY subject to BRITISH LAWS. The Guardian, and its employees are NOT SUBJECT to American laws.

  3. We are still waiting for a satisfactory answer as to why over 300 voting machines malfunctioned in Mr. King’s district on election day, 2012. What does Mr. King think of John Deutch, disgraced former CIA director appointed by Clinton and caught red handed sharing top secret information from his home with his Mossad friends; his punishment: having his security clearance revoked. Mr. King also has had plenty of time and opportunity to facilitate the extradition of fugitive ‘Kobi’ Alexander, indicted for illegal activity prior to 9/11 with Israeli connected company Converse, whose subsidiaries are linked with the current illegal activity in spying on US citizens. Mr. King is noticably quite reticent on these tremendously serious issues. Our government should accept the need to ‘play by the rules’ or face a tidal wave of ever increasing disaffected citizens and outraged whistleblowers. There is simply far too much dangerous opportunity for abuse (and criminal exploitation by government connected personnel) with the current broken system; no one will be safe. All of these problems resulted from the criminal corruption of our government by that international pariah, Israel, and their ever increasing efforts to transplant their self created “terrorist” problem on the USA, which used to have a relatively clean and honorable international reputation when compared to Stalin’s Russia or Mao’s China. The neo con proposals of containing a belligerent China by encirclement only really serve Israels vicious short term plans; continually alienating Russia (because of the sour grapes from Jewish interests, Rothschild oil and Russian Jewish mafia who were kicked out after grand theft Jeltsin) is leading to national suicide as the Russian people are fully aware of what democracy ‘like you have in Iraq’ is all about. The USA and Russia are natural allies, Israel is a degenerate little monster who needs to be read the riot act.

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