Haitian President Jovenel Moïse assassinated in “well-coordinated” attack at his home

CBS News

Haitian President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated on Wednesday at his home by a group of unidentified gunmen, interim Prime Minister Claude Joseph announced. Joseph said the security situation in the country was “under the control” of Haiti’s police and military.

Haiti has suffered for years from political instability, and Moïse had been governing by decree. Critics had accused the 53-year-old of ruling like an autocrat.

“An unidentified group of individuals, some of whom were speaking in Spanish, attacked the private residence of the President of the Republic and mortally wounded him,” Joseph said in a statement on Wednesday. “The First Lady was wounded by a bullet and the necessary measures are being taken.”

“The security situation of the country is under the control of the Haitian National Police and the Haitian Armed Forces,” Joseph said. “All measures are being taken to guarantee the continuity of the State and to protect the nation. Democracy and the Republic will triumph.”

Haiti’s Embassy in Washington D.C. released a statement on behalf of the government later Wednesday morning, providing little further detail but saying Moïse had been killed in a “well-coordinated attack by a highly trained and heavily armed group.”

Read the rest here: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/haiti-jovenel-moise-president-assassinated-home-2021-07-07/

5 thoughts on “Haitian President Jovenel Moïse assassinated in “well-coordinated” attack at his home

  1. Admin beat me to this , as I just sent it to Henry a bit a go

    and as Sunfire says ..yeah some countries have all the luck ..time to roll the dice here?

    Just another crooked Fck that ran out the clock
    be interesting how this will all play out for them

  2. Now the us state department is trying to oust the el Salvador president as well as Honduras and Guatemala because they want bitcoin as legal tender.
    Out rolls the jackals.

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