Have you ever wondered how doctors could ignore all the red flags and alarms on the danger of the COVID vaccine and continue pushing the plunger into people’s arms happily?

2 thoughts on “Have you ever wondered how doctors could ignore all the red flags and alarms on the danger of the COVID vaccine and continue pushing the plunger into people’s arms happily?

  1. well , if this country ever got off its ass and nuremburged these fckers, I bet their tune would change … yeh because the bribe money wouldn’t be enough to save their traitor asses ,, you C suckers took an oath to do no harm , and now many of us just don’t trust you .. I hope that’s starting to show up on your financial ledgers you sic fcks, Im done paying for your fcken Beemer and your 3rd home .. bitch

    I aint seen a Dr in over 4 years , I sure as hell aint starting that shit back up again , I feel fine

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