Hawaii Went Radioactive Wednesday

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Hawaii went radioactive yesterday with spiking radiation readings as shown in both of the two charts below from BlackCatSystems showing huge spikes in radiation levels. With reports of the Pacific Ocean dying and radiation levels rising throughout much of the West coast according to this scariest chart , is this Fukushima making its impact here in America? According to the alarming video below, Fukushima is now in fuel rod meltdown after heavy rains and a power blackout that we have not been made aware of by the mainstream media.  

“After the heavy rains and power blackout (Which Tepco forgot to mention). Since then a dramatic rise in radiation levels is being reported and a few Tepco workers have spilled the beans on what is really happening.”

The radiation level readings in this chart currently show a highly elevated 163 for Hawaii at this moment.


7 thoughts on “Hawaii Went Radioactive Wednesday

  1. I hate to say it but Hawaii is done. They are as done as Fukushima, Japan. The people better start evacuating somewhere because their tourism, fishing and anything else will be as contaminated as Fukushima itself, if it isn’t already.

    1. Only problem is you still got loads of sheeple over here.
      Buncha stupid f&ck3rs
      Every time i bring radiation up people dismiss it, i am stuck here but if i could bail and head for idaho i would be gone.
      Sure as hell wont be eating any more sushi or tuna, and wont be doing anything in the ocean any more,
      I always get the, oh, the ocean is too big for that to affect us excuse, im waiting to see these surf punks eyes glowing like a pair of tritium dots, they will never buy it till its too late.

      1. I have a friend from Hawaii who is up on things. I just sent him an email today offering him a place to bug out on mainland if it helps. He told me before that the jellyfish and octopus there are winding up too close to the beaches because there are no fish and it is disrupting the food chain. If you’re in Hawaii, Kulafarmer, what’s your take on it?

  2. We’re no less inundated here on the West Coast.

    The rest of the planet is getting its share also.

    They’ll pay dearly for their treachery.

  3. oh my….God…where is main stream Media on this! is this Fukushima making its impact here in America? According to the alarming video below, Fukushima is now in fuel rod meltdown after heavy rains and a power blackout that we have not been made aware of by the mainstream media…..wow nice post!

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