Heading to Henry’s for some well deserved R&R

This is just north of Las Vegas on Hwy 93 the Great Basin Hwy. That huge area that looks like a lake is actually 1000s of acres of solar panels, incredible.

80 degrees, 10am, 9/11

25 thoughts on “Heading to Henry’s for some well deserved R&R

    1. 1052 miles, I’ll drop Friday, Henry’s friday night, hes over 200 miles south. This is a short run fun for me as far as the load, then another 240 or so to Henry’s. Piece of cake. I’ll park the truck, rent a luxury SUV, then to the Oregon coast, cant wait. The Shivley’s are awesome to kick back with.

  1. Beer to Clakamas, Or, 38 degrees, 27,000 lbs. Truck is only half full. Drop load, then to the Shivley’s for 5 days of fun! It’s been years since we both have had any meaningful relaxation. I think I’ve driven 250,000 miles since the last time we got together.

    1. Just make sure Henry can still do the broadcast, ok, Mark. 🙂

      Also, I thought you were driving your own car, not your work truck. How cool is it to make a run to Oregon and be able to stay with H & L for 5 days!

      1. There wont be any shows I’m afraid, 🙂 give the poor guy a break! This is fun time!

        Laura will still be doing her thing, I’ll be posting pics for sure. You guys will be right there basically.

        1. Thanks for the heads up. Now I won’t hurry back in time for the broadcasts during next week.

          Take in some of that Oregon coast for me. I’m longing for the beach and cooler weather.

          1. Thx Katie 🙂

            We’ve been planning this for over a year, this is my vacation, the Shivleys are my guests, family basically, just like all of you guys.

    1. Jus’ got myself curious on the origins of the term “riding shotgun.” Found this at wiki:

      “Riding shotgun was used to describe the guard who rode alongside a stagecoach driver, ready to use his shotgun to ward off bandits or hostile Native Americans. In modern use, it refers to the practice of sitting alongside the driver in a moving vehicle.”

      Maybe I was onto something futuristic, where we actually return to the past in terms of “riding shotgun.”



  2. I hope the both of you can get some practice in. Anyways glad you are getting a break. You seem like a busy man.

    1. Yeah, to say the least, 12000 miles a month, and all the bullshit inbetween, load, unload dealing with all the assholes on the road, getting the finger at least 3 or four times a week from toilet bugs driving 4 wheelers… 🙂 dealing with all the immigrants inside the distribution centers who treats me like I’m the invader…

      I mean I live in a truck man. Think about that, have been for 15 years..

      1. I would love to ride with you to see what it’s like. I’m glad you’re getting a break sounds rough. Dealing with invaders would really get under my skin. Go to the beautiful Oregon wilderness and hopefully do some trigger pulling with Henry. Can’t wait to see pictures Mark!

  3. Mark, forgot to say thank you for doing this. Your heart is generous, your mind is smart. That combination makes a good man.



    1. What good is all this crap without enjoying life with great people? I’ve had life threatening scares now twice, both times layed out on the table, cut open like a stuck pig, this is a no brainer! Working my fool head off, driven across the country, literally 4 times in the last month, been doing that now for the last 15 years, time to ride the damn brakes, same with Henry and Laura…

      Both Henry and myself had had health issues man, lifes too damn short… I’m just thankful I pass my DOT physicals, done well there, thank God..

      Thx Galen,

  4. Enjoy yourselves and each other in good spirits.
    Thanks for all that y’all do!
    Holy crap!! That solar array is huge. I looked it up on the googlemap and, WOW.
    My dad sure would have been impressed. (wink)

    1. You ought to see the thing in person man, speechless… hope your doing well, sure had a blast visiting..

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