Healthy 12 Year Old Girl Paralyzed Days After Receiving HPV Vaccine

Health Impact News

From aspiring pop star to paralysed in just days: Shocking picture of 12-year-old left bed-ridden in hospital after being given controversial HPV vaccine – but doctors claim that her problem is completely psychological. Straight A student now bedridden.  

Daily Mail


Mia was given the routine jab – which protects against the human papilloma virus, at her school in September. The HPV vaccine, Gardasil, is routinely offered to 12-13 year-old girls as part of the NHS’ cervical cancer programme.

The next day her legs felt heavy, she had a burning sensation in her spine and her feet were shaky.

Becoming worried, her mother immediately rushed her to A&E at the Royal Berkshire Hospital.

The straight A student went on to lose all sensation in her legs, core body and arms.

Unable to do anything except blink and talk, she is now being home-schooled and having singing lessons from her bed.

She’s bedbound apart from when she is carried or placed in a fully-supported wheelchair and is currently undergoing physio.

In addition to the paralysis she is incontinent, cannot keep food down and suffers involuntary spasms.

Mia’s mother, Gini, 37, of Reading, said that she is desperate for someone to tell her daughter that ‘it’s not all in her head’.

She added:

She has gone from being someone who sings and acts and dances – a normal 12-year-old girl – and now she can only blink, speak and sing. It’s horrendous. Everyone thinks she’s been in a horrific car accident. People stop and say, “Oh my God, what on earth happened?”

Read the full article at Daily Mail.

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