Homeland Security Secretary Says Boston At Risk Of Lone Wolf Terrorist Attacks

CBS Local – by Kim Tunnicliffe

BOSTON (CBS) — Boston is one many major cities at heightened risk of a lone wolf terrorist attack, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson said while visiting the city Friday.

Johnson met with local community leaders to discuss ways they can work with police and law enforcement to curb the threat.

“When I visit an Islamic community center or a Somali-American community group, there are a number of issues they want to talk about with us — profiling at airports, for example,” Johnson said.  

Johnson is visiting many of the nations major cities on a trust-building mission between local organizations and state, local, and federal law enforcement. The ultimate goal, he says, is for groups to work collectively to counter lone wolf terrorists in the U.S.


7 thoughts on “Homeland Security Secretary Says Boston At Risk Of Lone Wolf Terrorist Attacks

  1. My Fellow Americans:

    (In a room loaded with people, and a Stand-Up-Communist on the stage)

    Stand-Up-Communist: ……. so,… here in Boston,… we all know how the Boston Bombing Hoax got exposed!,… (laughter ensues…..)

    …. we’ll,.. we commies over at Homeland Gestapo, have come up with a Brand-New,… and Improved version of False-Flag,….. (he whispers,… “wait for it….”),…… “Domestic Terrorist Attack!” (… LOUD LAUGHTER!!!!!!…)

    ….. Yeah,… so,.. we commies over at Homeland Gastapo have come up with another theater production that we’re going to call,.. (….Long Pause…),…. “… The Lone Wolf Terrorist Attack!!” (Da-Da-Daaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!,.. ROARING LAUGHTER AND PANDEMONIUM ENSUES!!!!!!),…

    Yeah people,… that’s how believable these commies are.

    JD – US Marines – Stand-Up-Comedians,.. Stand-Up-Commies,…. the only difference,…. at least the comedians are actually funny.


    1. “Stand-Up-Comedians,.. Stand-Up-Commies,…. the only difference,…. at least the comedians are actually funny.”

      There is ONE other MAJOR difference, JD.

      Stand-up comedians actually WORK for a living.

  2. Still waiting for the right -wing, ‘fundamentalist Christian’ “lone gunman” production.


    Actually, though, I believe it’ll be something far more horrendous than a mere shooting spree. A ‘dirty’ bomb, perhaps.

    Something along the lines of 9/11.

    1. Hi #1,

      Well,.. the “fundamentalist Christian lone gunman production”,.. is the sequel to the “The Lone Wolf Terrorist Attack”.

      Its kind of like Star Wars – Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back,…

      JD – US Marines – This stuff isn’t even, “Bad Theater”,…. this stuff by the FBI, CIA, DHS, and so forth,… is simply plain,.. “Crappy Theater”.


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