2014 International Hoaxie Awards

Sent to us by a reader.

Published on Dec 2, 2014 by Truth Hertz

Thanks to all the great Youtubers who are exposing these fabricated events. Feel free to mirror.


Lasershow Full HD (Avicii Opening @ Energy 2011)

LAX Hoax – How Stiff Can You Be

Higher Truth Channel
Bombshell !! Ebola in Spain Video Was Hoaxed!

Alex Jones Prank Call

5 thoughts on “2014 International Hoaxie Awards

    1. According to the website:

      “Rather than focusing their delusional grievances and accusations on authorities, the ‘hoaxers’ take the path of least resistance, harassing and emotionally abusing the victims’ family members online, on the telephone, and even in person. This practice allows them to feel as though they are doing something productive to have their voices heard, while staying safely away from the clutches of the authorities. This is a cowardly approach to having their grievances heard, and we need to ensure that they find some other method of doing so which doesn’t directly affect victims’ family members, or anyone else involved in the management of the tragedies, such as emergency service workers or those who were in any way involved. Even these individuals have found themselves the target of hoaxer hostility and harassment.”

      Funny how they say we run away from the authorities and are cowards, seeing as how we have all reached out to the authorities countless times and every time we try to talk to them, they deny us to see any facts or information on it and start to press federal charges against us if we investigate.

      Meanwhile, the real hoaxers can’t even provide a shred of proof that it DID happen. So who are the real hoaxers?

  1. So this nonr outfit is the one that shut down access to that video, “We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook”. I started watching it, saved it and when I went back, it was gone due to complaints from honr.com. Tried to find it, but it was blocked everywhere I looked. If anyone knows where it can found, please let me know.

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