Honduras to ask U.S. not to deport Honduran kids

Thanks to cav medic.

CNN – by Ralph Ellis

Honduras will ask the United States not to send any more children stopped at the border back to Honduras, the Honduran Foreign Ministry said.

Honduran Chancellor Mireya Agüero Corrales instructed the Honduran Embassy in Washington to work on the proposal, the ministry said.  

Children without parents have been streaming across the Mexico-United States border. Most of them are from Honduras, Guatemala or El Salvador.

Many have been smuggled north without official papers and hope to find their parents or family members already living in the United States. The ones apprehended by American authorities are often housed in shelters.

U.S. authorities estimate that between 60,000 and 80,000 children without parents will cross the border this year.

Corrales said she’ll urge the United States to make efforts to unite the children with families in the United States.

“If we are talking of the principle of family reunification, why not reunite them in the United States?” she said, according to a news release from the Foreign Ministry.


12 thoughts on “Honduras to ask U.S. not to deport Honduran kids

  1. “Honduras will ask the United States not to send any more children stopped at the border back to Honduras, the Honduran Foreign Ministry said.”

    Excuse me??? EXCUSE ME!!!??? Who the HELL does this guy think he is? The BALLS on these bastards. The American people ought to bomb that Foreign ministry on the spot. That’s a declaration of war! 😡

      1. yes, try to cross US line, and then come back to US line… Those that post and say, cool, I can do it any time , never lived on the border…

  2. “If we are talking of the principle of family reunification, why not reunite them in the United States?” she said, according to a news release from the Foreign Ministry.

    I agree 100% with the concept of family reunification. Round up their parents, and send them back to Honduras WITH their snot-nosed kids.

  3. Seems there is a group trying to organize but need volunteers.
    There is an organization looking for volunteers right now: South Texas Borderwatch Interceptors: Our mission is clear. Stop the border crossings: “I’m now working with a group of Marines and former service members in stopping the border crossings. At the moment, we are deploying in Texas. We do not yet have enough boots on the ground to run the length of the border. We’re seeing a groundswell of support already, because we are doing the job the Feds won’t. So unless you want to be a PART OF THE SOLUTION, we’ve got no need for all of the chatter and B.S. COMPLAINING we hear constantly from people who do nothing more than sit behind their computers and complain. This is NOT a militia endeavor. We are primarily a group of former Marines and various other service members, founded by a Marine who saw the need and made a commitment to get it done.”

    1. Good luck to you and your group, Leita! Unfortunately, I can’t make it down there, but I’ll be praying for ya all.

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