Get ready to whip out your credit card before you are wheeled into the operating room or undergo an MRI.
Hospitals are increasingly asking patients to pay for procedures either upfront or before they are discharged. That’s because Americans are shouldering a greater portion of their health care bills, and medical centers don’t want to get stuck with patients that can’t pay.
Traditionally, neither patients nor providers knew the exact price of procedures until after the insurer processed the charges. Now, however, new technology is allowing hospitals to determine the patient’s responsibility in advance of treatment.
Starting the cost conversation early is especially important now because patients are facing higher deductibles and larger payments for services. Some are surprised to find out that they have to fork over thousands of dollars before their insurance even kicks in, hospital administrators said.
The policies available on the Obamacare exchanges are hastening this trend. Many enrollees are opting for the bronze and silver plans, which often carry deductibles upwards of $5,000 and $2,000, respectively.
“The bronze plans are scaring a lot of administrators because the patient liability is so large,” said Debra Lowe, administrative director of revenue cycle at Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center. “Patients are unaware they have this high deductible.”
Upfront payments aren’t usually required, but more hospitals are asking patients to settle the bill in advance. If patients can’t afford the charges, some hospitals place them into financial assistance programs, such as payment plans or low-interest loans. Others help them sign up for Medicaid or individual coverage on the Obamacare exchanges. Patients can still opt to wait until after the bill goes through their insurance.
“We are trying to minimize the after-service bill shock and get them into financial assistance or some other program for more affordable care,” said Andy Scianimanico, vice president for revenue cycle at Northwestern Memorial HealthCare, the parent company of Chicago’s largest hospital.
Northwestern started upfront financial counseling with patients in 2011 and has now expanded it to four departments, including surgery and imaging. It plans to implement it in all areas of the four-hospital network over the next two years.
Soaring deductibles have prompted hospitals to be more aggressive about collecting in advance. The average deductible for an individual employer-sponsored policy has soared to $1,217, up 47% from five years ago, according to the 2014 Kaiser Family Foundation/Health Research & Educational Trust report. For family policies, deductibles have soared 31% to $1,947.

Deductibles of $5,000 are the most common amount seen at Wexner Medical Center, said Lowe. It started requesting upfront payments in July and hopes to collect 75% of the charges ahead of time.
‘Settling the bill upfront also helps improve hospitals’ profitability, said David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group, a consulting firm for the healthcare industry. Providers are at least twice as likely to receive payment if they ask for it in advance. Also, chasing after patients who haven’t paid their bills is very costly.
Hospitals provided $46 billion in uncompensated care in 2012, or 6.1% of their total expenses, according to the American Hospital Association.
Kinda reminds me of my days living in China.
Welcome to living in a Communist Country.
Took my surfboard in the face on a big day, and had to go to the hospital.
Broken nose and a needs-sutures split from under my nose down the top edge of my lip.
I had to bring 2 ID’s, and fill out forms while I bled into a towel, including posting a credit card.
Meanwhile (and I’m not racist, and speak Spanish and 2 other languages), the Mexicans simply walked in, spoke with a translator, and were taken in immediately. One guy was even sutured and left WHILE I was filling out the last form.
No questions. No forms. No ID shown. No payment. Walk in, walk out.
I spent MORE time filling forms and waiting than actual with-doctor time, and the bill was $2750 for about 45 minutes.
I figured The White Guy paid for the last 3 Hispanic visits.
~ Occams
😡 Grr!! That stuff pisses me off! Sorry to hear that, Mesphisto. Hope you’re doing OK.
Well … I’d be screwed because I just do not have it. Oh well … the sooner I leave this hell hole the better … as I see it.
Just make it quick! I don’t wouldn’t want to linger around in pain any longer than I have to.
. . .
Get a professional medical kit, take a good first aid course and learn basic skills.
setting a bone
stop hemorraging both internal and external.
Read up on resussitation it has changed somewhat.
When the crash comes there will be no hospitals, ambulances or even doctors unless one lives near you. You may save a life.
Excellent advice, Grin.
If you can’t bear to sew yourself up, after learning the technique, go to a doc-in-the-box (free-standing) instead of an ER. Check your yellow pages. They’re all around in metro areas and they’re usually staffed by docs still in residency (for a little spending cash) and perhaps some others sick of the insurance and hospital mafias and government controls. Your bill may end up being $ hundreds, but that sure beats $ thousands. Hope you’re doing well now.