How the FDA Has Quietly Removed Access to a Life or Death Piece of Medical Equipment

Ebola Gate – by Tim Tucker

Townsend Letter of this month describes a critical shortage of IV bags. “One of the great ironies is that while health authorities have called for curtailment of manufacturing by the compounding pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies have not been able to meet the drug and medical supply requirements of hospitals and clinics.

What the letter does not mention is that this situation may have begun to occur after the FDA’s banning the mass production of IV vitamin C (the pre-prepared bags)  

Firms Blocked from Mass Producing Vitamin C for IV

What had happened just previous to this peculiar banning of an item critical in burn units and on the battle field as well?

There was a 60 minute story in New Zealand shortly before in which IV vitamin C “miraculously” cured swine flu in a man the hospital there was pushing to take off of life support, saying there was no way he could survive. Not only that, even as IV vitamin C was obviously curing the man, two hospitals he was in each tried to reduce or deny access to it
Video: Vitamin C Cures New Zealander’s Swine Flu Just As Life Support Was to be Terminated.—Miracle-Cure/tabid/309/articleID/171328/Default.aspx

Legally the US government may not have been in a position to ban vitamin C outright, so, instead, the FDA just threw a ringer into access to the delivery of the treatment – bags of IV-C

FDA Position on Intravenous Vitamin C Limits Access, But Does Not Render Vitamin C-IV Unlawful Legal Opinion by Emord and Associates.

After that, clinics and doctors had to go to compounding pharmacies for IV-C to put together the ingredients for the IV solution for them. (And the FDA halted trials of Vitamin C and Cancer.

What’s more, as the Townsend Letter also reports, since 2010 (after swine flu was proved easily curable by IV vitamin C in New Zealand and the FDA banned the mass production of the treatment), the pharmaceutical industry stopped producing injectable vitamins and minerals.

It was compounding pharmacies which took over producing them.

Then, a few stories appeared in the media about contamination in compounding pharmacies, and the FDA began to take control over them. Shortly afterwards, It began coming down on them.

The justification was that:

“FDA is focusing on companies “that pose the greatest risk”—those that compound sterile injectable products …. ” [Vitamin C and minerals, not mentioned by name, are such items.]

This seizing of authority under the aegis of public safety is very similar to the FDA’s Monsanto-driven food safety law It came into existence in a similar way as well – a publicized contamination issue, with draconian bills then instantly offered following media scare stories, though the laws on the book were more than adequate to deal with any problems. But laws available were specific and within the rule of law, not the broad and vague language which the new bills offered that allowed for coming down on innocents. The food safety law is in place now and so far not been used to stop contamination coming from large industrial operations or closed them down for so much as an hour, but it has been the occasion for multiple swat team raids on organic farmers and coops, seizing safe food, closing down businesses, taking people away in handcuffs, and producing media stories giving the impression of a life and death food safety threat. The food has almost always been proven perfectly safe, as lawyers argued. So, subsequently, the FDA gave itself authority to seize even UN-contamined food. And as for fixing the problem, the FDA usually does not provide the farmers or companies a means to rectify any situation (“If one does x, y, z the facility can begin operating again”) but destroys their valuable organic inventory and shuts them down.

With compounding pharmacies, the FDA appears to doing a replay of how “food safety” was elevated to national issue, focusing not on the contamination of food with GMOs, drugs, hormones, chemicals, colorings, preservatives, etc. by the food industry but only on acute food borne illness. With over 100,000 people a year dying routinely from the drugs produced by the pharmaceutical industry, the compounding pharmacies do not even bear mentioning, other than they, too, like organic growers or raw milk dairies, are meeting very specific consumer requests.

“The Senate’s action is in response to a deadly outbreak of fungal meningitis caused by contaminated medicine distributed by the New England Compounding Center (NECC), a large and now defunct Massachusetts-based pharmacy.

“The culprit behind the outbreak was a high-dose injectable steroid used to treat inflammation and pain associated with conditions like herniated discs and certain types of arthritis. Most compounding pharmacies do not produce this type of medication. In fact, it is alleged that, in this instance, NECC was repacking and selling the existing medication — a crime in itself — and was not actually engaged in the practice of compounding.

“Incidentally, the FDA and local authorities were aware of dubious practices at NECC as early as 2006.

“The reason doctors turned to the NECC’s more expensive product instead of cheaper generic versions is that there was a national shortage of these drugs, due to increased FDA inspections of drug factories. While the inspections turned up few actual health threats, they caused a disruption in the supply chain and many healthcare providers had no choice but to use more expensive (and in the case of NECC, less reputable) alternatives.

“Thus, it appears that the FDA bears some culpability for the meningitis outbreak.”

What has been done to disrupt the ability of doctors to treat disease via intravenous administration of vitamins and/or minerals has taken place in a very sub rosa manner.

There was no news that vitamin C cures polio; no news that vitamin C cured swine flu; no news that the FDA banned the mass production of IV vitamin C after it was proven to curedswine flu; no news that drug companies stopped producing injectable vitamin like vitamin C at about the same time as the FDA ban; no news that both the task of preparing the bags of IV vitamin C formula, and the task of creating injectable vitamin C and the other minerals in the formula had to be taken over by compounding pharmacies; and no news that the FDA had taken control of compounding pharmacies and was starting to go after them.

The only news was national news of contamination at the New England Compounding Center (NECC) but that was actually old news and used to push for a law allowing the FDA power over all compounding pharmacies. There was no investigation into the FDA’s actions against other compounding pharmacies or the impact the law would have on small compounding pharmacies which were doing nothing wrong. Nor was there any story linking the FDA’s unexplained ban on the mass production of IV vitamin C solutions or its coming soon after IV vitamin C got international attention for curing swine flu in New Zealand, and especially there was no news on whether the FDA’s actions is limiting access to a cure for swine flu were intentionally destructive of public health in the midst of what the CDC was claiming was a terrible epidemic of potentially fatal flu.

Instead, without anyone noticing, and by many indirect means of banning production of the bags or shutting down those doing the production of the bags and the injectable vitamins and minerals, access to IV solutions for innumerable treatments for diseases, have been forced into critical shortage.

And word has STILL not gotten out safe and cheap vitamin C is an absolute viricide and was reliably curing polio in 1948.

This was 7 years before the hugely-profit-making and cancer-causing polio vaccines came onto the “medical market” as media touted a preventative (not a cure). But the vaccine wasn’t never what it was claimed to be nor was polio itself.

And while the CDC keeps reporting antibiotics are failing and the extreme medical crisis that that represents, it does not report that vitamin C is a powerful antibiotic, just as it continues to this day to not report vitamin C as a total cure for polio.

“Klenner described this seminal experience in a 1953 paper “The Use of Vitamin C as an Antibiotic”:

“Our interest with vitamin C against the virus organism began ten years ago in a modest rural home. Here a patient who was receiving symptomatic treatment for virus pneumonia had suddenly developed cynosis [sic: cyanosis]. He refused hospitalization for supportive oxygen therapy. X-Ray had not been considered because of its dubious value and because the nearest department equipped to give such treatment was 69 miles distant. Two grams of vitamin C was given intramuscularly with the hope that the anaerobic condition existing in the tissues would be relieved by the catalytic action of vitamin C acting as a gas transport aiding cellular respiration. This was an old idea; the important factor being that it worked. Within 30 minutes after giving the drug (which was carried in my medical bag for the treatment of diarrhea in children) the characteristic breathing and slate-like color had cleared. Returning six hours later, at eight in the evening, the patient was found sitting over the edge of his bed enjoying a late dinner. Strangely enough his fever was three degrees less than it was at 2 p.m. that same afternoon. This sudden change in the condition of the patient led us to suspect that vitamin C was playing a role of far greater significance than that of a simple respiratory catalyst. A second injection of one gram of vitamin C was administered, by the same route, on this visit and then subsequently at six hour intervals for the next three days. This patient was clinically well after 36 hours of chemotherapy. From this casual observation we have been able to assemble sufficient clinical evidence to prove unequivocally that vitamin C is the antibiotic of choice in the handling of all types of virus diseases. Furthermore it is a major adjuvant in the treatment of all other infectious diseases.”

“Again this paper is quoted at length to allow readers to judge for themselves whether or not the author made this up or deluded himself in some way. From 1943 through 1947 Dr. Klenner reported successful treatment of 41 more cases of viral pneumonia using massive doses of vitamin C. From these cases he learned what dosage and route of administration — intravenously, intramuscularly, or orally — was best for each patient. Dr. Klenner gave these details in a February 1948 paper published in the Journal of Southern Medicine and Surgery entitled “Virus Pneumonia and Its Treatment with Vitamin C”. This article was the first of Dr. Klenner’s twenty-eight (through 1974) scientific publications.”

Vitamin C is a total viricide. That means that it doesn’t need – as is true for vaccines – to be matched to viral strains. Mutating strains don’t matter, either. Vitamin C kills ALL viruses. And that would include even lab-invented viruses. With vitamin C, there is no reason to fear “the flu,” or West Nile, or Swine Flu, or any other virus the CDC is announcing or may announce as uncurable, deadly and terrifying.

The public has been kept from knowing there is no reason to fear viruses, at the same time as the FDA has worked to keep what does cure viruses and does provide a strong antibiotic, and what is needed to treat various diseases naturally (with vitamins and minerals), unavailable. IV bags are now in critically short supply and injectable forms of vitamin C and other vitamins are only available through compounding pharmacies, while those pharmacies are now in the grip of the FDA.

But the situation is worse than this, for it isn’t just access to IV vitamin C that is being shut down or to numerous therapies which use vitamins and minerals to restore the body, but HYDRATION ITSELF IS THREATENED.

This can’t be stressed enough.

Without hospitals able to rehydrate, it’s hard to imagine how many people could die from simple curable conditions, including even common but severe bouts of diarrhea or vomiting. Panic could be easily created by portraying the deaths as coming from some dreadful virus rather than from the reality – the absence of a simple but necessary product – IV bags that deliver adequate fluids.

Something similar happened in 1918, when millions of deaths were blamed on a flu but were not from flu.

Currently, too, “flu” numbers are not based on flu and but are padded with pneumonia numbers and colds even, as the CDC puts out figures that create the image of a dangerous medical situation that is non-existent, but the fear is used to sell vaccines. The CDC already created the impression of an emergency in 2009 with swine flu, when, for example, the 99% of the numbers it cited for swine flu in California were no swine flu or flu at all.!

And the Bush administration with the help of the CDC wrote pandemic emergency laws that are linked to martial law.

But day in and day out, dehydration causes death.

“Dehydration can result in serious symptoms in an otherwise healthy person, causing profound fatigue, postural hypotension, renal failure, delirium, and ultimately death. (“To Hydrate or Not to Hydrate: How Should It Be?”, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 18, Issue 5, March, 2000: 1156-1158.)”

“For a more diverse view from another country, Robin L. Fainsinger, M.D., Director, Palliative Care Program, Division of Palliative Medicine, Department of Oncology, University of Alberta, writes in “When to Treat Dehydration in the Terminally Ill Patient?”:

“Our palliative care group has argued that the viewpoint that dehydration in dying patients is never a cause of symptom distress, overlooks the fact that: – 1) dehydration is well recognized in nonterminal patients to cause confusion and restlessness, problems often reported in terminally ill patients; 2) reduced intravascular volume and glomerular filtration rate caused by dehydration is accepted as a cause for prerenal failure, with opioid metabolite accumulation in the presence of renal failure causing confusion, myoclonus and seizures, having been well documented (1, 2, 3).”

Hydration is a very simple thing to provide, IF ONE HAS THE BASIC IV SOLUTIONS. Picture hospitals without those hanging bags of fluid and the FDA’s active anti-health contribution to what is in fact an extremely dangerous situation becomes clear.

The editor of the Townsend Letter reports that:

“By mid-February 2014, Baxter and Hospira were rationing shipments of IV bags only to hospitals. While the original shortage was for 1000 ml bags of normal saline, the shortage extended to all IV solutions, including 0.9% saline, 0.45% saline, 5% dextrose, and Lactate Ringer’s solutions. As of April 2014, it was impossible to purchase any form of IV solution. Hospitals and clinics are improvising by treating dehydration using one IV bag of solution for 72 hours instead of the typical 24-hour drip. In addition, patients are being switched from IV hydration to oral hydration. Critical situations treated in the OR and ICU are also cutting back on IV hydration. It is clear that hospitals are trying to make do by limiting their IV solutions, but at what point will they run out and face tragedy?”

The public and those sincerely committed to healthcare need to know what the FDA has been doing to ban the production of essential IV solutions and to shut down compounding pharmacies that provide crucially important injectable vitamins and minerals and the CDC has been lying about flus (including 1918) and silent both about available virus cures and about one strong antibiotic.

People need to know that the FDA is threatening people’s lives by removing access to innumerable treatments that rely on vitamins and minerals (not drugs). And they need to stop the FDA because it is now threatening the foundation of medical care itself by its systematic removal of one of the most basic forms of support for any patients in crises – fluids.

2 thoughts on “How the FDA Has Quietly Removed Access to a Life or Death Piece of Medical Equipment

  1. ‘Vitamin C is a total viricide. That means that it doesn’t need – as is true for vaccines – to be matched to viral strains. Mutating strains don’t matter, either. Vitamin C kills ALL viruses. And that would include even lab-invented viruses. With vitamin C, there is no reason to fear “the flu,” or West Nile, or Swine Flu, or any other virus the CDC is announcing or may announce as uncurable, deadly and terrifying’. …….Including Zika and Ebola! and oh let’s not forget the big C—cancer………..Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars………Are you all aware that Congress has until Feb 2017 to kill the ‘death panels’ in obamacare? Kill All The Agencies and defund the UN– we get our country back

  2. “Not only that, even as IV vitamin C was obviously curing the man, two hospitals he was in each tried to reduce or deny access to it.”

    Because they’re just a front for the population reduction agenda. Why else would they deny a patient something that would cure him? Bunch of murdering scum.

    “Vitamin C is a total viricide. That means that it doesn’t need – as is true for vaccines – to be matched to viral strains. Mutating strains don’t matter, either. Vitamin C kills ALL viruses. And that would include even lab-invented viruses.”

    I’ve never heard this before. The only other thing I know of that makes this claim is colloidal silver (or gold or platinum)

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