3 thoughts on “How the unarmed are attempting to fight back

  1. Am I the only one that thinks that stopping the shipment of goods to the people is a bad idea? The wealthy have stock piles of food and resources to get by. Seems like they want the people to suffer more to accept the jab.

  2. A smart guy told me once that fighting tptb by interfering with your own grid or resources was dumb.

    Instead interfere with their ability to use power and control over others. Like by not complying or making their staff not want to go to work….

    These truckers will be called terrorists and replaced by foreigners.

  3. Nice sentiment
    Probably good execution Too

    But not what we need right now and it generally up hurting the wrong side
    Maybe it’s being planned that way ?
    It’s probably just another limited hang out
    Than it gets crushed
    Because it was planned to be to Fck with our heads
    Idk .. the shits endless anymore

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