How to Prevent a Thermal Hack on Your ATM PIN

Activist Post

You’ve just finished your trip to the grocery store with your debit card, making sure to hide your pin number. But before you get home, the funds in your account are wiped clear. How did this happen?

Thanks to an inexpensive and ingenious device that attaches to an iPhone, a new wave of cyber theft allows the holder to commit silent robbery by reading your thermal imprint. There are a variety of ways they can obtain your card number right there or later, but what they really need is your PIN.  

Mark Rober demonstrates how easy this theft is by actually stealing someone’s PIN in the video below.

Aside from the obvious solution of using cash for such transactions, there are a few ways to turn the thermal hack against your would-be opponent.

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One thought on “How to Prevent a Thermal Hack on Your ATM PIN

  1. The next time I decide to use one of these things, I’ll definitely be on my guard. This is why I try to use cash as often as I can.

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