I can’t say much of this without many swear words.

Look at the first letter on the back of your Social Security Card. That letter will tell you what Federal Reserve Bank you belong to. You are the collateral backing the debt notes!

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25 thoughts on “I can’t say much of this without many swear words.

  1. What???? I see it, but I don’t get it. Can someone explain further or at least provide some substantiation? Thanks.

    1. Do a search for federal reserve serial #s I’m still looking into this myself,there’s only 11 letters A-L Not everyone will have a letter on their card depending on how old it is. (the card itself) if you don’t have a letter on you’re card and you request a duplicate it will most likely come to you with a letter. This stuff isn’t easy to make sense of so don’t let it get to you.

      1. My card is very old and I still have it. It doesn’t have a letter at all, just my name and number; so I guess this doesn’t apply to me, at least so far as my card in hand is concerned. I guess that doesn’t mean I don’t have a letter associated with my name and number somewhere in a government database.

      1. It’s deep!,spent a lot of time trying to get it all and frustrated with all the info. Seems anyone who does get it doesn’t really share it in a nut shell, they either can’t or won’t. Ever hear of the black card?How about the white card?

  2. Whether for paying taxes, your future incarceration, or premature death. You have been entered in the lucky lotto of life.

  3. That number on the back is called the “CUSIP number”, and has via contract a relation to your asset account with the DTC (Depository Trust Corporation). You guys will have to do the legwork on this if you want more detailed knowledge….I have moved on to other things since I established all this monetary fraud based on the STRAWMAN was real several years ago. Believe me….there is a year’s worth of information out there if you want to see how far down the rabbit hole goes.

    Here is an older, but very reliable (for the time they were done) series of workshops done by by Brandon Adams, Gordon Hall & Jack Smith… these guys have continued to evolve in their mastery of this subject matter as their experience with the system and knowledge base has increased.


    Anything I have listened to by these guys is of real value in understanding this maze. I have listened to all the above linked seminars (some several times), and have easily spent over 500 hours examining the subject matter. The explanation of the Soc. Card is in the Atlanta Seminar, I believe, but there is a good discussion regarding the asset account and Social Security in this recording:

    1. Thank you Darzak. I’m going to look into the links that you’ve provided.

      For the record…I was saving the post as a draft to Henry so I wouldn’t forget. I was planning to do research before sending, but during a conversation with someone I hit send. Then said “S#!T Oops”, and “I guess let er buck”….No intention of frustrating anyone.

    2. To clarify my statement above: My point about them being “accurate for the time when they were done” has mostly to do with the WAY they use the information to operate in Commerce. The basic information they provide regarding the mechanics of the Strawman fraud is all top-notch. These guys are (for the most part) not likely to fight for their freedom in the face of tyranny (my opinion), but are pursuing the avenue of operating peacefully with those who continue the fraud perpetrated upon us by using the fictional digit account system to operate in life. By doing so they are revealing not only the reality of this fraud, but they actually see it for what it is and discuss it much in the way we would, albeit without the indignation we have that we are being lied to.

    3. I’ve listened to these guys and recommend it. I’ve used much of what I learned, but only do what I understand. Ignorance in action is extremely dangerous.

  4. So hold on…they are using our social security numbers and our birth certificates to gamble using us on the stock market? I have been bought and sold since birth? Therefore, some corporation has been making a profit off of me from the beginning? A profit out of thin air?? I am trying to wrap my head around all of this.

    1. There is another profit out of thin air in your wallet, Steve. The Federal Reserve Notes you use as “money” are actually debt instruments (receipts of debt incurred). There IS NO real money in use in this country, or any other attached to the Bank of International Settlements. The Federal Reserve is an international banking cartel, and is NOT a part of the US government. The worst part of THIS fraud is that they create the digits out of thin air and pretend to “loan” them to the US CORPORATION -at interest- literally what you said – profit out of thin air. The FRNs only have the value that people have been conditioned to believe they have. There is no gold or silver backing them up as was true in the days before 1933. Everything we see in this world system is built on a tissue of lies and deception.

      1. That is what I was trying to convey! But you made it more informative. Thank you very much. I really appreciate your posts. My mind is still blown…

    1. Good post, Jeno. I was going to post this along with the above links, but I decided to keep it tighter to the Soc Card issue. This cartoon is very useful. I’m surprised it hasn’t been scrubbed yet.

      Keep it coming, Trenchers…. this is how we expose the fraud.

    2. Went to the site suggested in the video. Full of peaceful, hippy type , nutters. Felt my stomache turning had to leave the site. Not one damned honest conversation has ever taken place with words. Events leading to war are lies because words preceed war. War, on the ground is honest, honest horror. But it is true. Only actions are truth. Be it love, lessons, hate, war, kindness…Only through action are they realized. I have no tolerance for people who use the phrase peaceful revolution. There never has been, nor will be any such damned foolish thing.

      1. “Not one damned honest conversation has ever taken place with words.”

        Including YOUR words? I must disagree wholeheartedly with your perspective, if you mean that words are futile and action alone is necessarily the avenue of truth. I cannot believe you sincerely intended that to be the point of your comment, and I suspect that your intent was to infer that words alone are not sufficient to affect a paradigm shift, and that actions are the only avenue to do so.
        I began to respond further here, but realized it was too large a subject for a response in this posting, and have decided I need to do a full-on article on the subject. Look for it soon.

        1. Agreed the problem is we speak in common parliament while rule makers speak another language. We make presumption and assumptions, then we get our asses handed to us. It happens so often, that the rule makers now expect it. You need both the word and action to transcend the matrix. Darzak looking forward to your post.

        2. I meant that no matter what the intention of one’s words, it is never the full truth, and often outright lies. Action is the only truth. If you want to know someone, watch their actions and ignore their words. When their actions are consistent , you have truely met that person. Words are cheap, they are innacurrate and most often insulting to reality. Words have never changed anything but peoples minds and only those who are willingly open to suggestion. That is how we got into this mess. Wise people trust in action, fools trust in words. If we want change it will Only happen through action. And yes, even my words are innacurrate. They are after all, only words.

  5. My original SS card said, “Not for Identification Purposes” (just as my husband’s still does) but when my name changed upon marriage in 1982, that quote disappeared as well. Along with my dad (who worked as a foreign exchange trader at Bankers Trust until 1979) telling me on August 15, 1971 (when Nixon completely removed the gold standard on FRNs) that the Federal Reserve was a private bank, and Congress did not print our money as per the Constitution, was just another wake-up call. But there is no number on the back of the card issued in 1982. When GHW Bush in 1991 as President forced all children born in hospitals to have SSNs, that is when we decided to have our daughter born in 1992 at home where both kids were homeschooled. Unfortunately, when they went to college they had to get SSNs.

  6. Look at the line you sign your checks on with a magnifying glass. It isn’t merely a line, it’s actually the words ‘authorized signature’.

    Obviously, your strawman can’t sign the damn thing.

  7. by far my favorite article.
    keep going.
    i’m sure more will be revealed.
    i remember someone stating certain things are allowed in society to bring balance to the system in order for it to work.
    my first thought was, my native ancestors are rolling over in their graves over that type of thinking.

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