ICC prosecutor says he received threats NOT to go after Israel. A ‘senior leader’ told him the ICC ‘is built for Africa and for thugs like Putin’, and not for the West and its Allies.

5 thoughts on “ICC prosecutor says he received threats NOT to go after Israel. A ‘senior leader’ told him the ICC ‘is built for Africa and for thugs like Putin’, and not for the West and its Allies.

  1. Is this a genuine tug-o-war, with most of the world on one end and Israel on the other? Israel is now playing extreme hard-ball, like its never played before. It’s doing every type of persuasion to get the world to believe there was/is no genocide in Gaza. And we see all kinds of creeps revealing their creepyness, with RFK leading the pact.

    Will this ICC get the job done and bring Israel and those who aided it to their knees? What have they done about the past atrocities of the last half century? But still, could this be a pivotal moment? I do not know, but I see that the world seems to be holding itself together by a thread, all systems vulnerable, all institutions suspect.

    Some days one just comes up empty.


  2. In sum:

    “World leaders, through the international institutions, have been enabling the Zionist occupation of Palestine, wasting away our rights and, via these arrest warrants, giving Netanyahu more time to accomplish his biblical dreams. The ICC’s pursuit of arrest warrants will make headlines for weeks and deviate the world’s attention from Gaza and the massacres being carried out there, leaving no hope that the Palestinian suffering will come to an end and leaving them alone to continue to face this brutal, genocidal occupation.”
    — Journalist, Motasem A. Dalloul, Mid-East Monitor, ‘The ICC’s Arrest Warrant For Netanyahu Is Nothing More Than Hot Air,’ 5/21/24


  3. “BRUSSELS, May 21. /TASS/. The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) top prosecutor Karim Khan seeking an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has saved the political career of the Israeli premier, helping him stay in power, according to Politico. According to the newspaper, ‘just when it appeared Benjamin Netanyahu’s days in power might finally be numbered, up steps the International Criminal Court to save him.’ The news outlet insists that accusing the Israeli leadership of war crimes in the Gaza Strip will not result in ‘a pause in the fighting; accusations of war crimes will cause Israelis to rally around their embattled prime minister.'”
    — Tass News Outlet, ‘ICC Decision Rescues Netanyahu’s Political Career’ — Politico, 5/21/24


  4. I wonder if we’re seeing a fight for the top. But we know the real top in only The Bill of Rights. That’s where the people are on top and no one is over them, only the guiding principles of living free and allowing others to live free. A world without infringement.

    Meanwhile, here’s a little more ping-pong: Bibi threatens the ICC’s Chief Prosecutor:



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