Illegal Alien Accused of Murdering Mollie Tibbetts Has an Anchor Baby

Breitbart – by John Binder

The illegal alien accused of murdering 20-year-old college student Mollie Tibbetts and leaving her body in an Iowa cornfield has a U.S.-born child.

This week, law enforcement announced that Tibbetts’ body was found in a cornfield in her rural hometown of Brooklyn, Iowa, after she was last seen jogging on July 18.  

Illegal alien Cristhian Bahena-Rivera, a 24-year-old from Mexico, has been charged with first-degree murder in her death after police say he admitted to confronting and chasing down Tibbetts. The illegal alien lived in a region of Iowa that was surrounded by sanctuary cities, as Breitbart News noted.

Police have previously noted that Bahena-Rivera has been living in the U.S. illegally for the past four to seven years. A new report reveals that the illegal alien has a U.S.-born child with one of Tibbetts’ former high school classmates.

(Photo via Facebook)

The children born to illegal aliens are often referred to as “anchor babies,” as they are able to eventually bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the U.S. and are given birthright citizenship. Every two new immigrants to the U.S. brings an estimated seven foreign relatives with them. Anchor babies also allow illegal aliens to permanently stay in the U.S. as they can claim that they have American citizen children.

In 2015, a classmate of Tibbetts’ had a child with Bahena-Rivera. Reports from Bahena-Rivera’s first day in court after being charged with first-degree murder in Tibbetts’ death revealed that the former classmate was in the courtroom with a child in her arms.

Bahena-Rivera was able to make a living in the small Iowa town by holding a job at Yarrabee Farms, a dairy farm in the region. The farm owner originally said that he used the E-Verify system to check whether Bahena-Rivera was an illegal alien, saying that he passed the screening. Later, the farm owner admitted that E-Verify was not used to check the immigration status of the illegal alien.

The illegal alien used a stolen or fake ID and fraudulent Social Security card to work in Iowa. His attorney has attempted to stop the government from calling Bahena-Rivera an “illegal alien,” claiming that he has legal status to be in the country. Federal immigration officials confirmed to Breitbart News that Bahena-Rivera is, in fact, an illegal alien.

There are at least 4.5 million anchor babies in the U.S. under the age of 18-years-old, according to the Congressional Budget Office. This estimate does not include the potentially millions of anchor babies who are older than 18-years-old, nor does it include the anchor babies who are living overseas with their deported foreign parents.

Proponents of birthright citizenship often claim the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution requires the policy. The Supreme Court, however, has never explicitly ruled that the children of illegal aliens must be granted automatic citizenship and many legal scholars dispute the idea.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.

6 thoughts on “Illegal Alien Accused of Murdering Mollie Tibbetts Has an Anchor Baby

  1. I think the US and Costa Rica are the only countries permitting anchor babies. The rest of the countries in the world definitely do not permit this insanity.

  2. This MF wet back should be shot in the groin and let to bleed to death. Let the slut who had the brat go it alone and with out government money. PLUS the GOP farmers who hired this ass wipe: he did not speak english, that is a clue. THe GOP is useing damage control to save their ass and blame Obama for a failed system

  3. “… the illegal alien has a U.S.-born child with one of Tibbetts’ former high school classmates.”

    Who looks likely to be an ILLEGAL AS WELL!!!

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