2 thoughts on “Illuminati Black MagiK Television Tricks Revealed

  1. We haven’t had commercial TV for over 15 years. We only use our TV and dvd player to play movies and documentaries. Maybe that’s why we still have at least a modicum of discernment in the information we receive.

  2. I can’t be hypnotized. In an attempt to quit smoking, I used a professional hypnotist, and when that failed I used a digital pinwheel video-loop with a voice track — but to no avail. I have a 20-track mind, which works well in multitasking, but hampers my ability to concentrate on one singular task at a time. Even subconsciously in REM mode, I’m a lite sleeper and easily awoken. Many times I will wake up early in the morning to jot-down a solution to a control programming problem I have at work.

    I was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder [ADD] at the age of 17-years, so Ritalin nor any other chemical buffer was used to treat my ailment when I was younger.

    When I went to college I learned that proper diet, pot, and wearing ear plugs helped block distractions; such as my roommate talking, watching TV, or playing music.

    I rarely watch television, and need to drive with the radio off to avoid having my attention distracted. There are only a few movies that I have seen, which can hold my attention for more than 1-hour.

    I used to think that my ADD was an ailment… but not any more. The pros of this disorder greatly outnumber to cons — especially when it comes to the Illuminati’s Jedi Mind Tricks.

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