I’m Not Asking Permission To Obey God!

Freedom Outpost – by Bradley Dean

This last week my ministry team made national news (again) as we came under fire for seeking and saving the lost. A deranged “Constitution teacher” physically assaulted my street team ministry leader for stating that “separation of church and state” is not found in the Constitution.  

We were not breaking the law; we were obeying God and the laws of our republic. The “Constitution teacher” was breaking the law. How does one see this as a defeat in the face of an assault on the American way, when we simply need to stand and claim the right that God gave us? We have God and the law on our side.

For the life of me, my friends, I do not and will not ever understand why the American people (Christians and patriots) stand back and give victory to those who violate the laws of our constitutional republic on a daily basis.

I spend more time encouraging my readers and radio show listeners than not. When speaking of governmental corruption, I repeatedly hear such things as, “There is no sense. There is nothing that we can do about it,” in essence carrying a mentality that the government has a right to break the law.

The professed church is no better: “Do you see what the devil is doing?” I ask the capitulators, did Jesus Christ suffer Calvary’s cross to give POWER unto VICTORY for the church? Why, yes, He did (1 Corinthians 15:57).

It is a good thing that our forefathers, veterans, apostles and prophets did not give up their sovereignty through fear of the enemy (an enemy that today is less than 1.7 percent of the American population).

Instead of magnifying the crime, why don’t the 312 million people in this country say thank you with their actions (1 John 3:18) to those who gave their all for the gift of salvation and freedom we now possess? America has the freedom – and a duty – to right the wrongs.

The great marvel in America today is the lack of Christianity and patriotism – which clings itself to American privileges and neglects freedom’s obligation.

At one particular high school lyceum in Missouri, I was advocating life by showing a picture of a little boy whose father and mother stood up for life by having surgery on their baby in the womb, rather than killing him through abortion. The principal interrupted my presentation and gave students the opportunity to leave. When almost everyone stayed, the principal then forced the students to leave. The response was a standing ovation (in my favor) by the entire student body and staff for standing my ground.

A similar thing happened in Arkansas:

I am not going to ask for permission to magnify the American cause – especially from those who are traitors to the Bible and the Constitution.

Noah Webster, who wrote Webster’s dictionary, was known for teaching millions to read and not one to sin. He stated:

“The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all of our civil constitutions and laws. … All the miseries and evils which men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery and war, proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible.”

It is time, America, to stand up, not to sit down. Not only is God on your side, but also the laws of our republic.

“America’s Indisputable Christian Heritage”:

Read more: http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/06/bradlee-dean-government-im-not-asking-permission-to-obey-god/#ixzz2XGWCfM61

4 thoughts on “I’m Not Asking Permission To Obey God!

  1. The author of this blog, Bradlee Dean, makes some good points, but his web site appears to be fully behind the world’s leading terrorist state, Israel and is helping incite these never-ending wars pitting Christians against Muslims, while Zionist Jews sit on the sideline, smacking their lips, knowing that both sides will lose and the only winner will be Israel.


    He also has the crazed Pamela Gellar on board, another Zionist Jew who is one of the loudest cheerleaders urging on these wars, which only benefit Israel and Wall Street. And another ‘War is Good’ Israeli-Firster, Michelle Malkin.

    As for where they get the money from to maintain their site, which can run into four figures easily, that’s a mystery, as they have no ads nor appeals for funds.

    And since Dean not only lost a lawsuit against Rachel Maddow, he was also ordered to pay her fees, one has to wonder who is bankrolling this operation.


  2. You should please remember that the country you call the united states was built on the dead bodies of my ancestors. The genocide of millions of Aboriginal people “in the name of God” will haunt you, and your country until you admit the crime. I am sure your christian God is not so different from my creator, and will not allow you to prosper in a blood soaked stolen land, anymore than others doing the same thing today, stealing a country by killing off her people, and claiming anyone who complains is anti- something or other, and God said it was OK..
    We are still here, not just characters out of movies or history. We are waiting.
    Our prophesy says you (whites) will not flourish, but will eat your own young in the end and destroy the land along with yourselves. There is an “unless” and it is remarkably like something Christ would say in the Bible. If they come in peace and brother hood, they will be the greatest thing that ever happened, but if they come with weapons and violence, they will crush us before they are destroyed, and our land will again be free.
    You came with weapons and violence and sealed your own doom. The creator is forgiving, and understands your weakness. We would still accept peace and brotherhood, even now. It is never too late to ask forgiveness.
    Remember that the US constitution was based on the ideas in the constitution of the 6 nations confederacy. It even has similar wordings.
    Think on this;
    If you murdered your neighbors and stole their stuff, and it was handed down to future generations with them knowing exactly where it came from, are they not also guilty, at least of possessing stolen property? Would it be better if the dead neighbor’s family just lived in a little shed our back, and you kept them locked up so your crime would not be found out? And then did it to all of their descendants?And then claimed God said you could, so it is OK?

    Too long in the past you say. My family was run off their land in the 1950’s to build a power dam. They never even told them they were going to flood the area. Hundreds of people they planned on drowning, but, they found out, so they poisoned them deliberately with mercury a decade later instead. Still doing it actually, if in different ways.
    And now the Bankers and Zionist are treating YOU like Indians. Rounding you up to be put on reserves, with different laws that can be changed without notice and do not apply to them. Fema camps and agenda 21 type cities are reserves by another name. Job losses and food stamps are just like the inadequate food were were forced to accept after you destroyed our livelihoods and the buffalo to starve us. Flue vaccine is the same as infected blankets. TPP, free trade, agenda 21, Zionist crazies claiming God is a real estate agent are just like all the broken promises, broken treaties and bounties on our lives. Tricks to steal from you, using words and slight of hand.
    The creator has a form of justice that does not need your or my approval.
    You are now being treated just as you treated others.

    1. Woman of the Woods, your statements are arbitrary and capricious. You keep making the blanket statement “You” as if we living today had anything to say about what happened hundreds of years ago. The fact is the bloods of the colonialists, the natives, and the slave populations are co-mingled. “We” are the American nationals. If you wish to separate yourself from “we”, then I suppose you are adjoined in cause with “they”.
      If you call American nationals your enemy and take the stance that “we” deserve to be destroyed, we who incidentally in reality are not the same creatures that broke the treaties and poisoned the people, you better understand, these internationals are not just going to give this country back over to you. In fact they have a .40 cal hollow point with your name on it. If you join with the United Nations, your attempts to regain the past will fail.
      The people you seek to condemn are the very people who prevented the complete extermination of the native populations. Why? Well I’ll tell you why. Because just enough time had passed that our bloods were intermingled .
      However, once again, if you praise what is happening and call it some kind of justice, we will call you our enemy and destroy you along with the rest. We are 40 million strong and heavily armed. If you think you’ve got what it takes, test it.

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