Anti-facist and other far-left groups rioted in multiple American cities on Inauguration Day 2021. In Portland, Oregon, antifa marchers vandalized the Democratic Party offices, according to police and videographers who were at the scene. Some of the protesters made statements against President Joe Biden, who was sworn into office on January 20. Anti-facist protesters in Seattle also vandalized businesses and burned flags, while protesters in Denver burned flags and a march in Sacramento had few issues, according to reports.
Independent journalist Brendan Gutenschwager, who was at the scene in Seattle, wrote: “‘F*** Trump, f*** Biden too, they don’t give a f*** about you.’ Protesters chant hours after today’s Inauguration in DC.”
“No more cops. No more Proud Boys. No more presidents,” read literature for a January 20 demonstration organized by Antifa Sacramento.
In some cities, peaceful protests also occurred, sometimes in the same communities, even as others resorted to vandalism, assault and other criminal behavior. According to Reuters, Portland police arrested eight people “on suspicion of offenses including rioting and reckless burning,” and Seattle police arrested two people, one for assault and another for property damage.”
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I am sure “Hiden Biden” has everything under control…just like he always hasn’t