
Bakers Green Acres – by Jill

I wish I could talk about the farm today.  I have a lot of pictures to post.  The farm is doing good things as it produces chickens for sale, grows pigs, feeds dairy and beef cows, and is in full summer vegetable production.  I enjoyed a pre-breakfast snack of raspberries the other morning while I watched the sun burn the fog off the bottom fields.  These are the things I’d like to talk about.

Instead, I have the DNR, Attorney General, and a rogue government who doesn’t remember that we pay their mortgages with the taxes they take from us.  

A couple of weeks ago the farmer in Baraga who sued the DNR along with us was in court asking for a preliminary injunction so that he can sell to a small handful of his former customers in a desperate attempt to stay in business until he gets to court.  The DNR, of course, maintained that he could live on the small amount of business he did that was not pig related (selling excess feed, maybe?  They don’t even know what he does, per the court transcript, but surely he can maintain his farm on whatever that is.)  Then the A.G. lawyer, Hal Martin, made this statement:

“You know, when it comes down to brass tacks, Your Honor, the fact of the matter is yes, the intent of this Order is to put that business and nodding to Roger Turunen or Mark Baker or anybody else, but to eliminate that business, and, of course, we wait for the Courts to determine whether that Order is valid and legal, but, you know, there’s no getting around the fact that that is, indeed, what DNR hopes to accomplish.”

All the poor and confusing English aside, the bottom line is that he states that the DNR’s goal with the ISO is not to eliminate a kind of pig and save Michigan’s environment from rape and pillage.  Their goal is to put businesses, like “Roger Turunen or Mark Baker” out of business.  And they aren’t going to wait for the court to rule on the order, either!

Did I mention that the A.G. is pushing our case into November or December?  The scheduling meeting isn’t until after their “rightful” 75 day discovery time, on October 31.

Roger wrote an informative letter to Dan Wyant, Director of the MI Dep’t of Environmental Quality, and to Keith Creagh, Director of the MI Dep’t of Natural Resources.  The letter outlines the history of the ISO and talks about how the DNR attempted to strong arm the legislature into enacting the DNR’s agenda.  If you are curious about the history, why Bill Schutte is wrong about this being a “legislative issue,” or how to make informed answers to people who think it’s about pigs in Michigan, this is a good read:

2 thoughts on “Intentions

  1. This whole DNR situation with the Bakers and others in Michigan is so much like what the Bolsheviks did in Russia and the Ukraine back in the early 20th century. You control the food, you control the people. And especially when all they want the herd to be able to consume is their poisonous garbage that they have genetically manipulated to kill us. I’ll be drinking my raw milk, churning my butter from raw cream, eating fresh eggs from my flock, eating a beef that was grass raised without antibiotics or hormones, and enjoying vegetables from the garden when they step foot on my property to TRY to stop me. I would rather die on my front porch than be forced to go to one of their “confinement cattle lots” where they’ll feed me garbage until butchering day.

  2. You know, Jill is such a good and decent human being, along with Mark Baker, that no matter what treasonous government acts are forced on the Bakers, she continues to act and be the kind of human being we could all look to as a role model, were we not under constant treasonous aggression by our disgusting usurped government. But, as the regulars here at FTT probably now know, I lack the beauty of the turn of phrase and simply say what I have to say, CHOHW, straight to the point. So here is some Michigan government contact information, for those so inclined…and PLEASE, if you do feel so inclined, feel free to voice your opinion to these “officials.”

    Dan Wyant, Director of Environmental Quality, 517-373-7917. His email address is not listed on’s web site, as though the message to the public is he apparently answers to no one except perhaps Michigan Governor Rick Snyder (see organizational chart But, hahaha, with a little searching, I found it:

    Keith Creagh, Director of Department of Natural Resources. Interestingly, neither Creagh’s office phone number nor email is listed through the linked pages of’s web site, so it appears that he answers to no one except perhaps Rick Synder, Governor (organizational chart: Nevertheless, with a bit of a search, the out of the way contact information was found: 517-373-2329,

    William Duncan “Bill” Schuette, Attorney General, gets around, and he has a number of contact numbers for his unjustice (or JustUs) department: Lansing office 517-373-1110; Detroit office 313-456-0240; consumer protection division (toll free) 877-765-8388; Feel free to contact the AG “lawyer” (I think he would be better called the queen lizard’s British registered word twister and united States traitor) Hal Martin through these numbers and email address.

    And not to forget the contact information for Michigan’s top weasel, oh, um, er, uh, governor, Rick Snyder, and there are a number of them: 517-373-3400; constituent services 517-335-7858; northern Michigan office 906-228-2850; and the Hall of the States Building in Washington, DC, the off-campus location for George Washington University’s Master of Professional Studies in the field of Legislative Affairs program, 202-624-5840. There is no email address (surprise, surprise), only a “share your opinion” page at

    Curious about what business executive and venture capitalist Rick Snyder would be doing in the District of Criminals, I found this at “For more than 30 years, the Legislative Affairs master’s program has helped launch and enhance careers on the Hill, in the advocacy world and in other fields related to Congress, such as lobbying and government relations. The program, with classes appropriately meeting in the evening on Capitol Hill in the Hall of the States, is the only master’s degree exclusively devoted to the study of applied politics in the legislative arena, offering students the perspective of both political scholars and working professionals.”

    Hmmm, could it be that the Hall of the States is where Snyder receives his Agenda 21 marching orders? This does have the very, very, very bad smell of government usurpation connivance.

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