‘Is This You?’ Rep. Thomas Massie Calls Out Alleged Israeli Operative Jordan Schachtel

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) said Wednesday on X that America should not be giving Israel money to bomb civilian targets in Lebanon and called out alleged Israeli operative Jordan Schachtel after he pushed back against him.

“If Israel insists on destroying civilian targets in Lebanon, let them buy and build their own weapons. American taxpayers should not be funding this,” Massie said on X, sharing video of Israel blowing up an apartment building in Beirut with a 2,000 pound bomb.

“Did you as a US rep confirm that this is a ‘civilian target’?” Schachtel responded. “What is the source for your video?”

Massie fired back by sharing a post from writer Brett MacDonald highlighting a clip from Al Jazeera’s film “The Lobby – USA” in which Schachtel was caught on hidden camera telling an undercover reporter about the “secretive” work he does using front groups on Facebook to advance the interests of Israel.

“Is this you?” Massie quipped.

Schachtel regularly blocks people who point this out on Twitter (Brett MacDonald included), so having perhaps the most influential congressman on all of Twitter blow his cover is truly hilarious.

Evidently, Massie inquired as to the origin of the clip in September.

If our Department of Justice wasn’t compromised, Schachtel would have been placed under a criminal investigation years ago for suspected violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

As our DOJ is completely compromised, Schachtel is instead still pushing out pro-Israel propaganda daily to his nearly 280,000 (likely mostly fake) followers on X.

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