One thought on “Israeli settlers spit on and harass a Christian in Jerusalem Christian zionists are some of the dumbest people alive

  1. Christian Zionists can thank the Scofield Reference Bible for that spit and the “f Yeshu” (Christ) saying by that Talmudic Jew who spat on the Christian…CZs think Genesis 12:3 says God will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel when in fact it says Abraham, not Israel, because Cyrus Scofield, a Rothschild-funded grifter, put that nonsense in his Bible “notes.” So I guess (while many of them disregard Palestinian Christians) CZs think Talmudic Christ-hating Jews that spit on them is a “blessing” from God… Dumb? Maybe. Deceived? Definitely!

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