Israeli soldiers shoot blindfolded, handcuffed Palestinian teen fleeing arrest for stone-throwing


Israeli soldiers shot a handcuffed and blindfolded Palestinian teenager who was attempting to flee after being detained for suspected stone-throwing in the West Bank on Thursday.

The minor was detained by the Israeli forces after he had been shot, but was later evacuated by Palestinians to receive medical treatment at Beit Jala near Bethlehem. He appears to have been shot in the groin area. 

A witness told Haaretz news agency that the boy is 15 years old.

Video taken at the scene shows Israeli soldiers clashing with a group of Palestinians as they attempted to help the wounded teen.

A spokesperson for the Israeli military said in a statement there had been “massive stone-throwing” near military forces and civilians and confirmed the incident with the teen “who tried to flee after his arrest” and who was “shot in the lower body.” The statement said the incident will be investigated.

3 thoughts on “Israeli soldiers shoot blindfolded, handcuffed Palestinian teen fleeing arrest for stone-throwing

    1. Not even Human excrement mixed with every other biological waste can come close to being nastier than a JEW KIKE.

  1. The more helpless the victim, the braver the jew.

    Babies are their favorite targets… they don’t need to be blindfolded or handcuffed, and there is zero possibility of one actually injuring a stinking jew.

    “A witness told Haaretz news agency that the boy is 15 years old.”

    With any luck, he may see his sixteenth.

    If he can forget about useless rocks.

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