3 thoughts on “Joe McNeil’s declared support for Trump dictatorship and Mark Koernke’s Rebuttal. Mr. Koernke, the truth salutes you.

  1. Still have the signed Trenches shirt hanging on the wall.

    Some of those signatures don’t belong on a patriot shirt, but Mark’s is one that does, at least more so than some of the others. He still has a few issues, however.

  2. I cannot believe that Joe McNeil, Don and others are falling for the right/left paradigm. How long have they been listening to Mark? Do they have ears to hear? I also cannot believe that these people claim to want freedom but want a religious dictatorship, a Christian state. In my view, Joe needs to stop interrupting the Micro Effect. He sounds as if he is slurring his words and is heavy breathing into the microphone. Very irritating.

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