John Blackmore Tesco to cut up to 10,000 jobs, says report

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Tesco will shed up 10,000 jobs in an attempt to reinvigorate the scandal-hit supermarket, according to a new report.

According to the Sunday Telegraph, 6,000 jobs will likely be axed from the supermarket’s head office and the 43 stores they announced last month that they plan to close.  

A further 4,000 jobs are at risk from a dramatic overhaul that the company hopes will rebuild trust in the company and help it recover from its slump, said the report.

Tesco boss Dave Lewis, who overhauled Unilever a decade ago, is reported to want to cut an entire level of middle management from Tesco stores. Those in roles that face the axe will be offered alternative roles within the company, but it is not clear whether these will be on the same pay level.

The “big four” supermarkets ni the UK have seen profits slump recently amid competition from budget retails such as Lidl and Aldi at one end, and growth of premium supermarkets like Waitrose at the other.

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