By Baxter Dmitry – The People’s Voice
A mainstream journalist and close friend of John Podesta, who bragged about “debunking” Pizzagate, has been arrested on a slew of sickening child sex charges.
Slade Sohmer, editor-in-chief at The Recount and friend of former Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, was arrested last month for raping multiple toddlers and babies.
Despite the mainstream media claiming that Pizzagate is nothing but a debunked “conspiracy theory”, numerous mainstream journalists and figures connected to elite pedophiles have been arrested in recent times for the very crime they supposedly “debunked.”
The mainstream media are desperate to cover up this news, so we are here to fill you in with all the details.
On October 17, during a search at Sohmer’s residence in Otis, the Berkshire Law Enforcement Task Force confiscated a phone containing hundreds of child pornography images and videos.
Among the disturbing contents, the task force found a video allegedly recorded by Sohmer of a minor being raped, according to the Berkshire Eagle.
Sohmer’s collection of home-made child porn shows kids as young as 3 or 4 years old.
But it gets even worse. Along with thousands of depraved photos, police also found text messages that were reportedly sent by Sohmer that shared details on how to kidnap and rape a child. Those troubling conversations, according to Berkshire Assistant District Attorney Marianne Shelvey, added “a level of extreme cruelty” to the case.
Shelvey told TheWrap that this is “one of the most egregious cases” she’s ever seen.
Remember, this is one of the mainstream journalists who was heavily pushing the lie that Pizzagate is a debunked conspiracy theory.
This is the level of corruption and evil we are dealing with in the mainstream media.
Perhaps the most interesting thing about Slade Sohmer’s arrest is the network of mainstream media creeps that has been exposed.
As Liz Crokin reported, one of the Slade Sohmer’s last posts before he was arrested is a retweet from fellow Pizzagate denier and pedophile protector Ben Collins:
Sohmer was also celebrated by BuzzFeed in a now-deleted article for talking sexually with fourth-grade children:
Perhaps most damning aspect of the whole story is Slade Sohmer’s connection to John Podesta – the man at the center of the Pizzagate scandal:
Bill Gates has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on funding mainstream media outlets all over the world, turning them into propaganda mouthpieces for the globalist agenda. An investigation by the independent outlet MintPress reveals that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation distributed $319 million in just one year in the form of over 30,000 individual grants to media outlets and fact checkers.
Major mainstream news outlets including CNN, NBC, The Atlantic, The Financial Times, BBC and others are all beneficiaries of Gates’s funding. None of these outlets provide any notification to their audience that they are bought and paid for by Bill Gates.
Gates is one of Epstein’s well-known super VIP friends.
In 2016, with the Clinton campaign riding high in the fake news polls, Tony Podesta let the mainstream media into his house to admire his art collection. Or was he actually rubbing our faces in it?

Podesta had an installation in his living room celebrating one of Jeffrey Dahmer’s underage murder victims.
And yet the mainstream media did not ask any difficult questions. In fact, according to the Washington Post at the time, Tony Podesta was counted among the nation’s most important contemporary art collectors.
Which is strange, considering all of Tony Podesta’s so-called art seems to celebrate kidnapping, torturing, molesting and killing children.
Years before WikiLeaks published John Podesta’s personal emails, revealing his interest in the darkest crimes known to man, Andrew Breitbart went on record asking “What’s in your closet, John Podesta?”
What did Andrew Breitbart know?
We will never know – he died of a heart attack in 2012 at the age of 43.

Fast forward four years and The People’s Voice had the huge scoop that there was evidence of pedophile “code words” used in emails from John Podesta released by WikiLeaks.
Numerous emails from the Chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign strangely referred to food items such as pasta, cheese pizza, and ice cream in bizarre ways the FBI warned are used as a secret language used by pedophiles to avoid detection.
For anyone who hasn’t been paying attention, the elite are heavily into pedophilia and satanism because these are ways for them to, first, prove they are sociopathic enough to be trusted with great crimes, second, prove that they can trust each other, despite being sociopaths.
Third, they all have the dirt on each other.
Fourth, Satanic ritual abuse is also used to create controllable split personalities, like in the Manchurian Candidate. And fifth, Lucius needs his Loosh.
But the people are waking up to the truth and John Podesta is being hounded by questions about Pizzagate.
He’s wrong. Pizzagate has not been debunked. Not in any real sense of the word. Not when the people who did the debunking have turned out to be pedophiles in on the game.
Slade Sohmer is not the first mainstream journalist arrested on child sex charges after previously boasting about debunking Pizzagate.
James Gordon Meek, an 10-year veteran reporter at ABC News who also bragged about debunking Pizzagate is facing life in prison after being convicted of a sickening array of child sex crimes.
CNN producer John Griffin, who produced numerous segments debunking Pizzagate for Chris Cuomo’s show, was sentenced to 19 years in prison in June for a slew of “sickening” child sex crimes in Vermont.
It’s not just the reporters and producers. It’s the executives too. The newspaper that led the way in covering up the Pizzagate scandal was run by the man who also helped protect notorious UK pedophile Jimmy Savile.
Mark Thompson, who was the New York Times CEO at the time, was previously Director-General of the BBC at the time that the UK’s most prolific pedophile, Jimmy Savile, raped hundreds of children and murdered countless others while working for the BBC.
He’s now Chairman and CEO of CNN Worldwide.
It’s fair to say the Pizzagate debunkers are lacking in credibility. John Podesta was wrong, Pizzagate has not been debunked.
On the contrary, the evidence for Pizzagate continues to mount. The elite have now become so shameless in attempting to force their world view on the masses that Elon Musk has been forced to take legal action against a George Soros non-profit.
Elon Musk has announced plans to file a “thermonuclear lawsuit” against Media Matters, threatening to destroy their ability to continue censoring evidence of an elite pedophile ring involving major politicians and world leaders.
According to Elon Musk, the discovery and depositions will be glorious to behold.
Media Matters for America is run by David Brock – a notorious Clinton operative funded by George Soros and tasked with censoring social media of conservative and independent voices. Media Matters is one of the most prolific censors on the Internet and has been instrumental in keeping the Pizzagate story suppressed and hidden from public view.
What is in your closet, David Brock?
There is so much information that has been censored from the public.
Here is a photo released by WikiLeaks featuring John Podesta and a team of adults wearing the same clothes. There is also a young girl, the only person in the room wearing different clothes, looking traumatized.

There are many people who say this is a photo of Madeleine McCann, who disappeared on the evening of 3 May 2007 from her bed in a holiday apartment in a resort in the Algarve region of Portugal, sparking what one newspaper called “the most heavily reported missing-person case in modern history.”
Her whereabouts remain unknown.
It just so happens that John and Tony Podesta were in the area at the time.
This is the $1 million mansion belonging to Clement Freud, a grandson of Sigmund Freud, that sits only 1/3 of a mile from where Madeleine was abducted. While searching for their daughter, the McCann’s were invited to this house many times by Freud, claiming it would get them out of the glaring media.

Police in Suffolk have confirmed the now-known pedophile, Clement Freud, was out of the country when Madeleine was abducted. However, his home had been loaned to two friends of his. John and Tony Podesta.
Portuguese police released e-fit images of suspects wanted for questioning, which bore an uncanny resemblance to the Podesta brothers.
And if those two images are not damning enough, take a look at the sketch of the alleged possible accomplice.

However these were important people at the time, friends and colleagues of the Clintons, and Jeffrey Epstein, and the police investigation in Portugal were quickly pushed in different directions.
As we noted earlier, Maddy’s whereabouts are still unknown.
When the idea was first floated that there was a massive pedophile ring at highest levels of power, it was almost unanimously rejected by mainstream media and the people alike. No one wanted to believe such a deviant and degenerate collective could exist in the modern world, let alone the United States.
Yet, as more evidence was revealed through WikiLeaks and tireless research by the alternative community, the true sinister depths of the crimes of the elite began to materialize.
The elite are far more evil than most people can possibly comprehend. Below is Barbara Marx Hubbard, of the globalist elite “World Future Society” slipping and admitting to eating babies.
The Rock is also on camera ‘joking’ that he likes to eat babies.
And Shia LaBeouf had a mental breakdown and admitted that Steven Spielberg likes to eat babies.
Jim Carrey, a few years ago, said Hollywood elites eat children at Christmas.
This goes all the way back to the old Caanite religions when families would sacrifice their own children to their demon ‘gods’ Baal and Moloch. The global elite, who lock down our world, enslave us financially and inject us with deadly mRNA gene therapies, worship these ancient deities.
This information has been scrubbed from the internet but it has long been a part of human knowledge. There is an anthropological “encyclopedia” of human sacrifice, The Golden Bough, which is 100 years old and very well-known. It’s briefly glimpsed at the end of Apocalypse Now.
Probably the most famous Satanist of all time, Alistair Crowley, once remarked that the most perfect sacrifice is a young boy of innocence and very high intelligence.
But hey, I am sure he was just joking like The Rock, Shia LeBeouf and Steven Spielberg were joking.
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