12 thoughts on “Jon Stewart Mocks Monsanto BIG TIME!

  1. Copying my stuff is the best type of flattery.. Thanks NWO Hatr for passing this along..
    Jon Stewart makes light of serious situations I find a bit UN-nerving but, at least he helps get news out there..

    1. Jon Stewart isn’t “helping to get the news out there”. He’s only or mocking Monsanto on TV because the news is already “out there”, and they need to respond to that fact to maintain credibility, and the illusion of opposition on a particular issue.

      If anyone on his network were “trying to get the news out there”, they would have mocked Monsanto years ago.

      People are always relieved to see truth finally being disseminated on TV, but on the rare occasions when you do see truth on the tube, it’s only because everyone already knows it.

      As a general rule, whenever your “news” is 5 years old, it’s just a matter of a Zionist-owned media outlet trying to twist something you already know, or make light of a bad situation.

      1. @Jolly

        I agree.. It is well known Jon is a Zionist and merely a tool. And the sheep who are uninformed will not realize how serious it is given his portrayal of MonSATAN.. Until we OVER-THROW our media(?). That is the best we can hope for.

        Did you notice Zero coverage of the largest(?) Patriotic Rally in History was totally ignored? The biker rally… That was Disgusting! They MSM did however find time to sympathize with the 25 Muslims that showed up..

        1. MSM S.O.P. (mainstream media standard operating procedure)

          Everyone on the tube is a Zionist tool, or they’re not on the tube for very long.

    2. Most welcome, LedaOhio9. Thanks for posting it at BIN. I used to post there last year (before I found FTT), but I found I was wasting way too much time arguing with trolls, so I pretty much post here exclusively now, with just an occasional comment over at BIN.
      This is the first time I’ve seen you post here, that I can recall. Welcome to From The Trenches, THE best truther site on the net. You may want to post articles here yourself, as we have some of the best commenters I’ve come across anywhere, as well as our most outstanding hosts, Henry and Laura Shivley. You should also give Henry a listen to on The Word, weekdays from noon to two. I think you’ll come to appreciate him as much as we all do.
      Again, welcome. 🙂

  2. *Kicking Dirt*
    Golly Gee SHUCKS EVEN! Thanks for the welcome…

    I have gotten use to the sheeple comments @BIN but, are those not the ones we need to target and wake up? Posting to an already awake forum is defeating the purpose, ain’t it? I mean it is good posting here and having like minded people, it’s just that, we need to reach the sleeping. Shame we cannot plaster youtube’s and facebook’s Moronic sections with some viral truth!

    1. @LedaOhio9
      Actually, to me… This is a news aggregate site from which I can gather all of the main news of the day from and them send them to all of my contacts of whom I am trying to wake up and keep informed. This is a site of informed commenter’s, to where I can even send the comments on articles, also, so that people I am trying to wake up can see what others are saying about the articles I send to them. I could never do that with an infowars (or other sites) articles because their readers say the most stupid comments.
      I spend most of my time here at FTTWR getting my news to send out to my contacts, then I search other sites for the news that matters to the Truth-Liberty Movement and bring it back here to post, as everyone else does who comes here, and we have grown an awesome community of friends and Patriots, because of what Henry and Laura have provided us with.

      Another thing, because they post the whole article, I don’t have to be sidetracked off to another website to read a whole article. I don’t have time for that. If someone continually is writing articles and commentaries, that I are pertinent to the cause I will go there on my own when I have time. I don’t like being forced too just to read an article. That’s what pisses me off about Newswithviews, and other sites is they have excellent commentaries and you can even repost them.

      1. I understand.. It’s just that.. I know Chris Simon Steph as well as many of the contributors at BIN and have been posting there since they started off an on. That and I am registered thru awe.sm with BIN and get paid for contributing. Nothing like having some extra cash doing what I would do for free. lol

        I do scour the net and FTT is a frequent stop. It is nice to see commenting that is not moronic for a change though. I’ve often asked Chris at BIN to add an Order Deny Allow to his .HTACCESS blocking the idiot’s Dynamic IP Range.. But then again.. Those are the ones needing a Reality Check and just mayby.. They’ll read something sooner or later that brings them back..


        1. LedaOhio9,
          Monsanto is my # 1 most hated corporation. Always has been. I’ve posted dozens and dozens and dozens of articles about them here at FTT in the last year or more.

          If you’re interested, here is one that I wrote last summer about them. It was also picked up and featured at BIN.


          btw, also loved this one from you posted a few days ago:



          1. There’s not anything more I could read about MonSATAN that could make me hate them any more. They could skin puppies alive and the hate is already topped off. Well, maybe not ‘hate’ but, a serious dislike. Hating is not good for the soul..

            Yeah, the Ms Os Drink Up campaign just sounded sinister to me for some reason. Then I remembered Barry raising drinking water Nuke levels and thought “AH HA”! Ms. O wants us all glowing.

            ::face palm::

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