The Top Ten Reasons Why Israel Should Be Bombed Back to the Stone Age

Veteran’s Today – by Yukon Jack

Here are Yukon Jack’s top ten reasons why Israel should be bombed back to the stone age:

#10. Control of Western nations and the media. I am tired of having every channel on the boob tube play the same boring Zionist propaganda. If Israel disappeared then we wouldn’t have to listen to the media whine about Iran, Iran, Iran all day long.  

#9. 9112001 and other False Flags like USS Liberty, Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon. Israel’s terror operations are so negative, why can’t Israel do some Fun Flags? Like maybe they could give every kid at some Connecticut school ice cream made from gefilte fish, that would be so funny.

more flags more fun

#8. JFK assassination. Why can’t Israel assassinate some Presidents I don’t like? Israel only assassinates Democrats like JFK or Paul Wellstone, why can’t Israel assassinate some Republicans now and then?

#7. Stolen gold and world central banks. We all know how we are being ripped off by the central bankers and are wondering about what happened to the world’s gold and who produced those fake gold bars. It is sure funny that the world’s gold is being secretly carted back toward Israel in exchange for secretly placed nuclear bombs. I think we should stop trading our gold for bombs planted in our cities, that doesn’t seem like a good trade. Our nation should back up its fake money with real gold, I don’t know about this new fangled idea of backing fake money with fake gold, how’s that supposed to work? Who’s going to trust the worthless paper script when it’s backed by gold covered tungsten bars?

#6. Patriot Act and DHS. Have you checked ammo prices recently? I was down at the hardware store lookin’ to get some hollow points to take care of some my neighbors barking all night long hounds and they were sold out. It’s not fair that DHS is getting all the good hollow point ammo.

#5. Israel is the bully and trouble maker. By ending Israel the world will be a far better and safer place and Abe Foxman wouldn’t have to complain about the rise of antisemitism and then he could get a real job trafficking human organs with the local New York rabbis.

#4. Fukushima nuclear radiation catastrophe. I am tired of having to lug to the supermarket a cumbersome World War 2 radiation detector just to check the cans of tuna.


#3. Because Israel has the world’s biggest cache of illegal weapons and has threatened to nuke western cities and has used them in regional wars like Syria. Israel has been cheating using little nukes and its hard to tell if that troop position they just vaporized was a nuke or just an extra big bomb. How pathetic, little Israel uses little nukes. Nukes should be big, so when they go off everyone knows it and goes ahhhhhh, wow that’s one big smokin’ hole.

#2. Because the Rothschilds should not have their own country. It’s not fair that the Rothschilds get their own country, if the Rothschilds get a country, everyone else should get one to. If I can’t have my own country and supreme court then neither should the Rothschilds.

#1. And finally the number one reason Israel should be bombed back to the stone age is because Neanderthals should live in their natural environment.

10 thoughts on “The Top Ten Reasons Why Israel Should Be Bombed Back to the Stone Age

  1. We’re getting close to the “final solution” with this suggestion, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see it get a lot of well-deserved support.

  2. bombing Israel as a whole is not useful. Most of the citizens suffer from the same brainwashing as Americans. Specific military and political quarters would be ideal, however the country is so small, it would be difficult to target w/o causing serious detriment to civilian population. The Talmud and its Zionist cousin will eventually make this scenario unavoidable.

    1. SamAdams your statement ” bombing israel as a whole is not useful.”
      Sam do you know how much pain and suffering israel has caused the world. Israel has the largest Zionist concentration. You have to understand that the Zionist goal is to terminate the white race and rule the world. Presently you can see what they are doing to our government and Country, if we let them continue on their current path they will destroy America and as of today they are doing a great job to get their goal accomplished.
      The Jews who live in America can’t stand what the Zionist Jews of israel are doing to the Palestinians and to the world. That says a lot about how evil the Zionist Jews are.They are the true terrorist’s of the world. They lie, they cheat, they murder they rape and they are disgusting.
      I agree with sending a few NUKES to israel to turn that place to dust. Israel is the root of all the problems in the middle east.
      It’s either us or them. I choose to nuke them.

  3. The Zionists would just set up shop in the USA. Think how much room they would have to expand. Israel was probably starting to feel a little too cramped for them anyway.

    1. The zionists have already set up well established shop here in the united States; they’re known euphemistically as the (usury club of the privately owned) Federal Reserve, lobbying groups, various multiple NGOs, and transnational corporations, and we now know they are the criminals running our usurped government and unfortunately the military and local police and sheriff departments.

      It matters not to me what order this evil is taken out, only that the entire infection is eradicated from the planet.

      1. yes, me too!
        Lets not give them more credit or power than is reality…
        Enbe….think you would agree…
        they are not in running every police dept, sheriffs office, state gov……on the fed level, its disgusting how they have come into behind the scenes power in the last 100-150 years here in the US.
        they refuse to go home….now since the west stole land from the arabs and gave it to the schister’s israel….believe is the name….they do have a home.
        well since they won’t go home……throw em out…
        any way that works….

  4. The Zionist AshkeNAZI so-called ‘jews’ have been kicked out of 72 different countries in the last 200 years or so.

    The biggest mistake that EVERY LAST ONE of those countries made was not murdering every stinking one of those sub-human demons in their sleep when they had the chance.

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