One thought on “Just a reminder rock and roll sold us all out.

  1. For me this song was so overdue. It brought out so much of what’s been stirring in me for years: “Rock ‘n roll let us down!! Rock ‘n roll let us down!! And sold us down the freakin’ river.”

    Yeah, it led me into idol-worship for a while. Dylan was God. Neil Young, a shining night. Etc, etc, etc. I just knew they could save the world, end the wars, make us all free. Then reality struck like a sword in a vital organ. First Gulf War OSTENTATIOUSLY showed the sell-out. Not a word from any of ’em on the Iraqi devastation. Well, except for a few, like Van Morrison, bless his heart with ongoing wisdom. Then more wars and the deafening silence of all those I had idolized, as I watched them swell into being mega millionaires and moving from a voice for the people to a voice for the evil system. Then came the kill-shot. “Dear fans, you will not be allowed to attend my concert if you are not ‘vaccinated.'” So, you want me to pay $200 dollars for a ticket after I decide to drastically harm or kill myself?!!

    And there they always are on t.v. telling us what we just have to buy, or who we should vote for; you know, the special candidate who (this time for sure) will end the wars and bring back freedom and prosperity.

    I hate a lot of things, but sell-out celebrities are certainly in my top three. Fk ’em ALL!!!


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