Karen Hudes: Whistleblower or Deceiver?

The Big Picture

I’m not saying this article is true, but it IS possible, so you can save the comments. I didn’t write it, but whoever did no doubt feels they are right.

Is the writer a Jew-hater? Possibly. Or, are they, like many people, unaware that there is a difference between Jews and the Zionists (cabal), as a reader pointed out in the comments?

I must admit… I have wondered about Karen… but EVERYONE is suspect!  It’s difficult to know what to believe when so many whistleblowers are targeted for coming forward, and it smarts when someone we thought was championing our cause turns out to be an impostor. We’ve been lied to so many times.

You may not like what you’re about to read, but ‘things are not what they seem’ is advice we would do well to remember.

I thought it odd that Karen seemed to know so much about a lot of things but said there are no ETs; that the memories of abductions and sightings were implanted through mind control.  Yeah, right.

It seems there is a lot of good information shared on the Internet from many sources, but a lot of it spills everything on every topic and then has some cockamamie story about the extraterrestrial evidence being a ruse.

The Illuminati tell us nearly everything they’ve ever done and plan to do but always deny the Star Nations’ existence. Sounds like a cabal agenda to me! 

One thing is for certain. We have the right to discuss it.

Is Karen on our side or theirs? Only you can decide.  ~ BP


With the enormous growth of the world Internet, many eminent people nowadays deliberately try to hide much of their biographical, business, family and relationship details from others, because if many of these secret details, especially if they contradict the image the person publicly represents , were accessible  by the public much of this information could portray them in an entirely different light. Karen Hudes is one of these such people.

Initially, I had great difficulty in finding out much about her other than the extremely sparse detail she has publicly volunteered to reveal about herself. Unfortunately, to succeed in pulling the wool over everybody’s eyes for an extended period you either have to be a great liar or have to be extremely meticulous in what you do. As a lawyer, and as we know all lawyers are simply highly paid liars, Mrs Hudes misses out on that one. And as far as being meticulous, she falls short on that one too.

It was hard work, but how I initially found out much more about her and her husband was through property transaction records, home sales and real estate listings in Washington D.C. posted on the Internet. It was through these records that I found out her husband’s real name which is different to her own! These property transaction records with a Google-earth view of her and her husband’s home at 5203 Falmouth Road, Westmorelan Hills, Bethesda, MD, an upmarket suburb out of Washington DC, can be viewed here:http://dc.blockshopper.com/property/7-048-00546615/5214_falmouth_road/  These records show the property was purchased by; Karen Hudes (Revocable Trust) and Barry Alexander Spergel (Trustee) and Barry Alexander Spergel (Revocable Trust) and Karen Hudes Spergel (Trustee) on June 3, 2010. From these details revealing her and her husband’s true name a whole new picture was created.

The Facts:

Here are some of Karen Hudes’s YouTube video clips:

You can see the videos here.

Both Karen and her husband are Marxist  Jews. They have a daughter, Elizabeth (about age 21). Karen is very careful never to reveal anything about her Ashkenazi Jewish background, family, private interests. Karen worked for the World Bank, controlled by Jews, as a senior lawyer for many years and her husband has also worked for the World Bank as well. So how come, all of a sudden, she leaves the World Bank to become a “whistle-blower” exposing corruption at the the World Bank, IMF, Federal Reserve, US Justice system and US government? – attacking her own  fellow Jews? – it simply doesn’t make sense does it?

The real truth is she is a Jewish ‘disinformation agent’ or ambassador of the bankers themselves working for the British. What she is saying is briefly this: “I am here to forewarn you all that the old, out-dated, corrupt, Bretton Woods banking system has had its day, and is about to be replaced with a new world order financial system and World Currency Unit.” It is really as simple as that.

Barry Spergel, her husband, was born on 23 May, 1952, and is an Environment Financing Consultant and international lawyer with his office at home. Amongst his many positions, he has helped design environmental funds in more than 25 countries, including drafting up legal documents, operations manuals, grant-making procedures, investment policies, and fundraising strategies. HE has also negotiated Debt-for-Nature swaps for the World Bank.  He has written global forestry laws and environmental protection laws; and designed new environmental taxes and user fees (user fees which will soon be introduced all around the world for the public to access their own privatized, UN-controlled national parks!!!!) and PES and REDD. He has also helped design and evaluate many projects for GEF, the World Bank, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), KFW, AFD, USAID, WWF, CI, TNC, IUCN etc.

Barry Spergel attended Yale Law School 1975-1978, which Karen Hudes also attended, and it is presumed that is where they first met and subsequently he became Karen’s husband. Karen was born in 1948.

Barry Spergel was Senior Legal Counsel and Director for Conservation Finance at the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) USA based at 1250 24th Street, NW Washington, DC, from 1989 to 2003, a very long time! The WWF was founded on 29 April 1961 by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, with five others including Julian Huxley and Godfrey A. Rockefeller (all eugenicists). Today the WWF is based in Switzerland, has HRH The duke of Edinburgh as its president Emeritus, has revenues of over 525 million euros, has over 5 million supporters worldwide, is the world’s largest conservation organization, and derives approximately 57% of its funding from individuals and bequests, 17% from the World Bank, DFID, and USAID, and 11% from corporations. Karen Hudes, his wife, interestingly,  was a Senior Legal Counsel at the World Bank. Both the  WWF (USA) and World Bank work together, and indirectly are controlled by City of London Jews with the British Monarchy at the head.

Mr. Spergel has worked with Michael Rothschild of the Walton Family Foundation on the Forever Costa Rica Project, the first such program in a developing country to permanently meet the UN Global Protected-Area Goals. He is involved with the 2013-2017 Mediterranean MPA Network Strategy to introduce UN-mandated Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean.http://www.medmpaforum2012.org/en/partenaires  He has developed the Practice Standards for Conservation Trust Funds for the Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA)http://conservationfinance.org/news.php?id=185

Above all,Barry Spergel has personally written the UN/World Bank/IMF global plan for global ‘Conservation Finance’ called Limitations and Opportunities for financing protected areas all around the world – through World Bank/IMF bilateral debt reduction for biodiversity conservation swaps, debt-for-nature swaps, introducing new property tax surcharges to pay for conservation land acquisition, greatly increasing visitor fees to conservation areas etc. This involves massively increasing the current global spending of $6 billion per year to $45 billion per year. You can read his presentation about his plans here: http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/Saxaphone-8300-ESSD-Roundtable-G-Finance-II-Barry-Spergel-PPT-CONSERVATION-FINANCE-Global-Cost-Biodiversity-Conservation-Macroeconomic-Solution-3-Approach-ppt-powerpoint/

We remember, in 1987, at the 4th World Wilderness Congress held  in Denver Colorado, (the now late) Edmund de Rothschild set up theWorld Conservation Bank. The outstanding author and speaker, George W. Hunt (some of his video material is still on Youtube), who attended the Congress, later explained how it (or an equivalent organization to it in the future) was to be used as the final decoupling mechanism to take over the entire assets of the collapsed banks of the world during a global crisis, by providing a new world financial system and global currency called the “world conservation earth dollar” (or something like it) issued against the collateral of 34% of the entire earth’s surface that has been transferred into UN Conservation Parks and Biodiversity zones. Our own country here in New Zealand has long been completed.

Its all a very clever, ingenius, evil, cunning, Marxist, British Socialist plot to take over the world, and I regret to say, both Karen Hudes and Barry Spergel are, right now, a very nasty and integral part of it.



12 thoughts on “Karen Hudes: Whistleblower or Deceiver?

  1. My Fellow Americans:

    Karen Hudes is a smokin 5th columnist,… period.

    I have watched many of her interviews, and initially, I thought perhaps she really was a whistle blower trying to alert people to the crimes of the vast financial system and its overlords.

    The give away was in later interview, where she was permitted to ramble on,… and the interviewer (Greg Hunter I believe it was in one particular interview), asked some rather pointed questions which she clearly did not expect,… and than it happened!,… she tripped all over herself like a doped out herion addict slipping on a pile of dog crap!

    It was CLASSIC watching her struggling to lie her way thru her own slip ups,… and then decide to abruptly stop addressing the issues,.. which in one particualr interview had to do with, where is all the US’s gold??

    She is absolutely,.. 100%, with zero doubt,.. a fraud,.. a fake,… a 5th coulmnist, that is running a hidden agenda.

    Although some of the issues she brings to light do seem to have an aire of legitimacy (this is the model,.. tell a little bit of truth,.. then lie like a SOB!),… all this means is,… she is distracting from the real issues that she is actually engaged in covering up,.. and sidelining as a subject matter.

    I rate O’ Karen right up there with the likes of Alex Jones, Bill Goebbels O’Reilly, Sean Handjob Hannity,… and the rest of the Disinfo-Crowd.

    Listen to her nonsense at your own peril,… she is a consummate liar, working for Jew paymasters, confusing and distorting the issues and who is behind them.

    JD – US Marines – AS I have said before,.. the commies are just POURING out of the woodwork now,.. and Karen “fullofit” Hudes, is just another example of the Global Criminals panicking.

    1. Hi Rbeason,


      There is NO WAY,.. that someone works in the Devils-Den (the World Bank/IMF) for 20+ years, get to DEFEND its wanton Criminal Empire,.. it’s Crimes-Against-Humanity,…. without selling their soul Lock, Stock and Barrel.

      Hell,… given the position she had, for the length of time she had it,.. it would NOT surprise me one bit if she even participated in the required act of Ritualistic-Child-Sacrifice (meaning,.. actually killing a child/children), as Proof Of Devotion and Loyalty to these NWO Pyschopaths.

      This is the nature of what we are truly confronting. – JD

      1. It is a sad situation indeed….these same psycho’s, another generation has followed, are part of what hit JFK…and the general public is too busy or incompetent to LOOK…Think.!!!!…well back then, was not easy as there was no internet…Now may not be easy, but can be done…connect the dots!…………..you keep up the good work, there JD

  2. Now I can see why she lost her job. Not even “they” wanted her on their side and tossed her out. So she had to get another “gig” at our expense?
    . . .

    1. Hi Cathleen,

      I don’t think they threw out at all.

      It seems to me, that she did her 20+ years,.. simply wanted to retire,… but still had “usefulness” as “whistle-blower” (5th Columnist,.. Dis-info Agent,.. etc,.. all the same thing), for which I gurantee you,.. she is making money in one way or another.

      That,… in addition to the fact,.. they are ready to take this to the next level in seizing Global-Control,.. and are now bringing in the next generation of Henchman,… Hatchetman,… to undertake,.. and carry out the next phase of Global Debauchary and Population Extermination. – JD

      1. Hi JD . . .

        You have a great way of tuning in the Bigger Picture and making it much more clear my friend. Thanks!
        . . .

  3. Why the debate? The woman is a JEW…… and no, while that fact doesn’t necessarily mean she’s evil, IT IS REASON FOR SUSPICION.

    Jews comprise less than 2% of the population. Since we’re under attack by a JEWISH political faction, doesn’t it only make sense to avoid ALL JEWS just to save ourselves the trouble of sorting out which ones are helping us and which are stabbing us in the back?

    And since they make up such a tiny segment of our society, how likely is it that they would be controlling all of the “opposing” forces that exist if they were genuinely helping us?

    You need to IGNORE ALL INFORMATION FROM JEWISH SOURCES, because since they’re so few in number, it’s very very unlikely that the ones that do speak out are actually helping us. And since deception is the standard operating procedure of the people attacking us, you should EXPECT that any Jew you hear from is lying to you.

    It’s not racism, and it’s not anti-Semitism. It’s a branch of mathematics known as “probability theory” which governs the likelihood of unknowable outcomes.


    1. Hi JR,

      I don’t know,…. your starting to sound like a “Conspiracy Theorist!!!” (AHhhhhhhhhh!!!!!,.. run around wildly throwing your arms over head in a spastic manner!!!)

      Just because MOST international Banksters are Jewish,.. or that the criminal enterprise called the “US Fed Reserve” was created by Jews,… most of the lies being told thru the Propaganda Press is Jewish owned,… just because they manufactured the Holo-Haux,… just because they CREATE most of the problems in the Mid-East,…. are COMMITTING Genocide against Palasteinians and Christians alike,… or historically they have been kicked out of country after country,….. uhmmmmm,…. hmmmmmm,…….

      Oh-Oooooooo,… I think I see a clear, irrefutable pattern here,…..


  4. Oh ye of little faith. Heed the divinity of Christ and the word of God. If not because you are a believer then because the light of knowledge has been well documented and disclosed, at least in part, for several millennia.

    For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, especially they of the circumcision: – Titus 1:10

    Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered. – Luke 11:52

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