Keystone XL pipeline bill fails to pass US Senate by 1 vote


The US Senate failed to fast-track the Keystone XL pipeline project, falling one vote short of breaking a filibuster against the bill, which would have allowed the transport of crude oil from Canada’s tar sands to the Gulf of Mexico.

The bill failed despite garnering 59 “Yes” votes to 41 “No” votes. All Republican senators voted “Yes,” and they were joined by 14 Democrats. Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), who co-sponsored the bill, needed one more vote to pass it but could not persuade another Democrat to go along.  

Landrieu, the chairwoman of the Senate Energy Committee, originally introduced the measure confident that there was enough support for the tar sands pipeline. The senator is facing a run-off election for her seat on December 6 and wanted to be seen as a key player in the pipeline project’s passage.

Earlier today, the White House indicated that President Barack Obama would veto legislation fast-tracking the Keystone pipeline. A spokesman said Obama does not support the legislation because it’s a decision that should be made through “the regular process.”

The Obama administration will have to make a “national interest” determination on the pipeline, which will take in factors like economics, geopolitics and the environment. One of the president’s main concerns is whether the project will “significantly exacerbate” carbon-dioxide emissions.

However, with Republicans taking control of both the House and Senate next year, they are likely to fast-track approval in the New Year. The top Republican in the Senate, Mitch McConnell (Ky.), already said the new Congress will quickly arrange a vote on the project.

The project would transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day from the tar sands of Alberta, Canada down to Nebraska.

2 thoughts on “Keystone XL pipeline bill fails to pass US Senate by 1 vote

  1. so instead of being fine with the vote, you can bet they will not back down

    they will keep pushing the agenda and shove it down our throats
    they never take NO for an answer …Never

  2. This is a pipeline going from Canada through the U.S. to the Gulf of Mexico. Am I missing something, but isn’t this just giving Canada a way to get their oil to the Gulf of Mexico so they can sell it/export it? wtf am I missing here? What do WE get out of it?

    Here’s a map of the pipeline here:

    Why should I/YOU want this pipeline? Am I missing something here?

    Wasn’t everyone against a freeway like this going the same way through our country about a decade ago?

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