LA Corvette Pursuit Ends In Death – Brian Beaird Military Vet – Wild Police Chase Investigation

Before It’s News – by Jay Will

A bank robbery suspect was cornered on a northern Los Angeles County cul-de-sac and shot to death Friday on live television after he apparently fired at sheriff’s deputies from his car, authorities said.

The man died at the scene at around 10:15 a.m. after televised news reports showed a single bullet trail plowing through the glass from inside a sport utility vehicle, followed by a fusillade of shots that punctured the windshield and blew out the back window.  

The man’s identity was not immediately released.

Published on Dec 18, 2013

LA Corvette Pursuit ends in death Brian Beaird Military Vet Wild Police Chase Investigation. Police in Los Angeles are investigating whether officers shot and killed an unarmed man live on television because they mistakenly thought they heard “unfriendly” gunfire.
Brian Beaird was shot by officers after an hour-long car chase through LA on Friday night. He died in hospital shortly afterwards.
The shooting was broadcast live by one of the local TV stations which had been airing helicopter images of the pursuit of Beaird’s silver Corvette.
The chase only came to an end when the 51-year-old military veteran broke a red light and ploughed into another car.
The LAPD is now investigating claims that, when one officer fired a non-lethal “bean bag” round, another mistook it for gunfire and opened fire with a real weapon
Chief of police Charlie Beck has promised a thorough investigation to establish what happened. He has cautioned people not to jump to conclusions based on TV pictures.
Beaird’s family is taking legal advice. They say he phoned his brother in a panic during the chase, wondering why he was being pursued.
John Beaird said: “We’re pretty angry. There didn’t seem to be justification for what happened.”
Neighbours of Mr Beaird, in Oceanside, near San Diego, have spoken of their shock.
Yolanda Orozco said: “It is really surprising and shocking. I was born and raised in LA so I know back in the 70s, when I moved away, what used to go on. It is sad.”
Flowers and candles have been placed at the scene of the incident. A handmade poster carries the message: “Shame on LAPD. Unnecessary use of deadly force.”
A few hours after Mr Beaird’s death, four people died when their vehicle overturned during a police chase in the Compton area of Los Angeles.

8 thoughts on “LA Corvette Pursuit Ends In Death – Brian Beaird Military Vet – Wild Police Chase Investigation

  1. “A thorough investigation” – yeah, right. Won’t be much longer till us Veterans say ENOUGH! With the recent decision to cut retirees’ (including disabled) pensions, they are just adding fuel to the fire. Will our dear leaders also decline to take an increase in pay? Don’t hold your patriotic breath.

    Stay Alert, Stay Alive

    1. You mean that the government lies about stuff. They lie about if you do 20 you get 50% of your pay for life. That is a lie? Huh!
      I wonder if they lie about do 4 and get gi bill and navy collage fund as well. Oh wait, of course they do. Sons a bitches still owe me 42k they promised and then reneged on.

      1. It was my understanding that you received funding for college as long as you were on active duty. Of course with multiple deployments overseas to fight for oil, I mean poppy, I mean freedom, there ain’t no time for school. But not to worry, if you do make it back, you’ll be too sick mentally and/or physically to put any education to work anyway.

        I make sure to point out those facts to anyone I come across trying to decide what Service to join. That, and a trip to the wonderful facilities at the VA hospital/clinics.

        I’m proud of my service, but at the same time I realize I won’t get anything for it other than the satisfaction that I have done something worthwhile with my life.

  2. Did anyone else notice that the vette being chased DID NOT run the red light…the other car did…Will they get a ticket for it??? Its right there on the video from ch7 in LA LA land….

  3. “The police say the officers had a very different view from that of the helicopter”

    Bahahahaaha! Typical cop excuse.

    Like saying, “Well, sort of, if you look at it from my angle and not from the chopper is flying from and sort of put yourself in a kind of twisty way like this, and angle your arm in this way, it may have looked like something different to us as compared to that of the helicopter, so there are many circumstances that caused us to think differently and act differently. See what I’m saying?”

    There’s a million different ways to say, BULLSHIT! There’s only way to say, I SCREWED UP! How hard is that?

    I’ve never seen a government, other than the Chinese Government, who have this psychological defense mechanism built inside their heads where they can NEVER admit even ONE time that they did wrong. Every one of them has the brains of Barry. Narcissistic and can do no wrong. Always someone else’s fault but theirs.

  4. I’ll stack the POS scumbag cops here up against any other police force in the country for corruption and brutality any day of the week.

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