Labour MP resigns after making comments on ‘relocating’ Israel to USA

Red Ice TV

A Labour MP has resigned from her role as the Shadow Chancellor’s parliamentary private secretary after it emerged she was in favour of a plan for Israel to be ‘relocated’ to America.

In the latest anti-Semitism scandal to hit the party, Naz Shah admitted sharing a highly inflammatory Facebook post entitled ‘Solution for Israel-Palestine conflict’ two years ago.

To the graphic she added the message: “Problem solved and save u bank charges for £3 BILLION you transfer yearly!”  

The post, as revealed by Guido Fawkes, argues the solution will enable Israel to have a ‘real safe Jewish state surrounded by friendly states’ and says ‘Palestinians will get their land and life back’ and ‘Oil prices will go down, inflation will go down, whole world will be happy’.

And commenting on the post, after someone has suggested a different way to solve the problems between Israel and Palestine, she said: “Only problem with that is Israel would need to return all the land and farms it has stolen and give the Palestinians rights which is not possible.

“Therefore I will tweet Barack Obama and David Cameron and put this idea to them?”

In a statement about the Facebook post she said: “This post from two years ago was made before I was an MP, does not reflect my views and I apologise for any offence it has caused.”

And Jewish Chronicle reveals that in August 2014 she tweeted a link to a blog post entitled ‘Colonisation, Israel, Palestinian resistance and . . .’.

The article on the Walk Together blog claimed Zionism had been used to ‘groom’ Jews to ‘exert political influence at the highest levels of public office’.

If the Bradford West MP had not resigned John McDonnell would have been under intense pressure to fire her.

Last month he said anyone found to be anti-Semitic should be booted out of the Labour Party.

His comments came after party members called on Jeremy Corbyn to take a hard-line against extremists after people were left wondering whether Jews were still welcome in Labour.

Kirby was suspended in 2014 after suggesting Hitler was the ‘Zionist God’ and urging ISIS maniacs to attack Israel.

But she was allowed back in again and then was re-suspended a month ago, and police launched a probe into her comments.

Shah is on the Home Affairs Select Committee, which recently announced it would investigate the growing problem of anti-Semitism in Britain.

Other members of the committee are reportedly calling for her to not be part of that particular inquiry.

2 thoughts on “Labour MP resigns after making comments on ‘relocating’ Israel to USA

  1. I fail to see anything inherently anti-Jewish about those remarks. To me they sound like nothing more than a criticism of Zionism. (Not that actual “hate speech” should ever be censored, either.)

    Would it be “anti-Semitic” to suggest that Zionist Jews strive to censor speech they disagree with?

    The Zionist slime know that the truth isn’t on their side. They know that their position is logically and morally indefensible. So what do they do? They try to use force to silence their critics, thus proving the “anti-Semites” right.

  2. Maybe not a bad idea, after some thought?

    “Keep your friends close…..and your enemies, closer”…?

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