Liberal Fascist Calls For Global Warming Skeptics to be Arrested

Infowars- by Paul Joseph Watson, March 31, 2014

The thinly-veiled totalitarian bent of the unhinged left has reared its ugly head once again with a demented rant by Gawker’s Adam Weinstein which calls for thought criminals who question man-made global warming to be arrested and thrown in prison.

“We have laws on the books to punish anyone whose lies contribute to people’s deaths. It’s time to punish the climate-change liars,” blathers Weinstein, before claiming that man-made climate change kills 150,000 people a year.  

Weinstein cites the example of six Italian seismologists who were convicted of manslaughter in 2009 after they failed to connect a series of tremors the week before to a subsequent earthquake that killed 309 people, arguing that public figures who openly express the thought crime of questioning the scientific establishment should face similar punishment.

“Those denialists should face jail. They should face fines. They should face lawsuits from the classes of people whose lives and livelihoods are most threatened by denialist tactics,” barks Weinstein.

Demanding that, “malcontents must be punished and stopped,” Weinstein asserts that disagreeing with the content of scientific journals which promote man-made climate change is not covered by the First Amendment, arguing that skeptics be “punished for your self-serving malice”.

What’s next? Perhaps opponents of Obamacare are the cause of illness and death for uninsured poor people. Maybe they too should be thrown in a thought crime gulag for questioning Dear Leader?

Weinstein’s screed emerged just days before a major United Nations report released today which warns of doomsday-level consequences if humanity doesn’t immediately relinquish the bounty of freedom, happiness and prosperity which has been associated with CO2 emissions for some 250 years. The fact that climate scientists have been caught time and time again spectacularly overexaggerating previous dire proclamations hasn’t discouraged them from doubling down on their insanity.

Indeed, today probably marks the point when global warming alarmism went truly psychotic, with headlines such as this in major newspapers like the UK’s Independent which scream, ‘The Apocalypse is Coming: War, famine and disease are on way’.

Last week, Professor Richard Tol demanded that his name be removed from the IPCC report after he complained that its ‘sky is falling’ tone made it sound like “the four horsemen of the apocalypse”.

Commentators reacted to Weinstein’s Gawker piece by savaging its inherently undemocratic and fascistic tone.

“It’s good to have that on the record at such a popular website. Liberals who are that soaked in the ideology of catastrophic man-caused global warming are fascists,” wrote Jim Lakely, adding, “Our fascist overlords are clever, and will probably set up work camps in which the undesirables will work as Obamacare facilitators. No thanks. I’m an old-school dissident. I choose breaking rocks.”

PJ Media’s Rick Moran labeled Weinstein an “authoritarian douchebag” and a “sneering elitist,” noting, “People with ideas like Weinstein’s are the reason other people are buying guns. This should not be seen in any way as a direct personal threat against Weinstein. But he has to understand that when liberals talk like this, they are the ones threatening others. They are the ones who would take away what the Constitution guarantees. They are the ones that many people think they need protecting from.”

While control freaks like Weinstein will continue to spew doomsday rhetoric about man-made activity killing the planet, the only real relationship between earth’s temperature and human behavior is the fact that the longer it remains stoically flat – with no actual global warming for over 17 years – the more desperate global warming alarmists become in attempting to silence critics of their religion.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

6 thoughts on “Liberal Fascist Calls For Global Warming Skeptics to be Arrested

  1. My Fellow Americans:

    From The Article:

    “We have laws on the books to punish anyone whose lies contribute to people’s deaths. It’s time to punish the climate-change liars,” blathers Weinstein”

    Of course she is trying to insinuate that ANYBODY who uses REAL science to expose the “Climate Change – WE NEED A NEW TAX” fraud, should be arrested,…. but by her OWN definition,… she is the one that should be arrested,… IMMEDIATELY, have ENHANCED interrogation technics used on her to find out who is paying her off,.. and then the she should be subjected to the Death Penalty for Crimes-Against-Humanity.

    JD – US Marines – AS we have warned ALL our listeners on , “The Word From The Trenches”,… absolutely EXPECT to see the Commies,.. the Fascist’s, the PIC’s (Pycho’s-In-Charge) start to become MORE desperate, MORE pyschotic,.. MORE insane in what they use for excuses,… and call for as their,.. “solution”.


  2. You would think that long before they demanded fines and prison for anyone, there would at least be an honest debate on the topic rather then just pseudo-science endlessly promoted by a lying media.

    Peer review, anyone? I didn’t think so. I guess the U.N. politicians have become the unquestionable Gods of science.

    Maybe we should jail all liberals for demanding that innocent people be jailed, and all gun owners be killed.

  3. The sad state of “free speech” today! Throw them in jail for daring to have an opposing view. What arrogance! “Weinstein” why am I not surprised.

  4. Its just the other way around. Warmer psychos need to be rounded up. These are mankind’s enemy. The Waxman- Markey bill will affect every county, city and town in America after ICLEI gets its CAP (climate action plan) written into your local General Plan. Here in CA we have AB 32. Both these bills call for a mandatory GHG reduction of 60% by 2035 and 83% by 2050. Wood stoves and yard burning- gone soon. “Reduced Travel”- wait for car ins. co’s do an Obamacare move on your ins.. They will raise the price radically, losing them customers, but gaining them profit. Wait for a carbon tax of 1000# per vehicle, as in England. Idaho Power estimates carbon offsets to cost industry 600% more in 20 years than today. Radically higher prices on EVERYTHING.
    Who gets KILLED out of this inhumane climate change BS? The POOR.
    Who becomes the POOR soon? The middle class, as they pay their fees and carbon offsets to maintain some semblance of homeostasis.
    Know your GREENIE. It is your ENEMY.
    Why do you think they HAVE to get the GUNS?

  5. “We have laws on the books to punish anyone whose lies contribute to people’s deaths. It’s time to punish the climate-change liars,” blathers Weinstein, before claiming that man-made climate change kills 150,000 people a year.”

    F%&K your ‘laws’, b#tch.

    And while I’m at it, F%&K you & your whole family, too, you worthless POS.

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