LISTEN: ‘There Ain’t No Rock and Roll’ Song Rips Music Industry for Big Pharma Sellout.

JACK MONTGOMERY – The National Pulse

Five Times August have dropped a powerful new track taking aim at the music industry and singling out performers including Mick Jagger, John Legend, and the Foo Fighters by name, for selling out to Big Pharma and the lockdown agenda during the Wuhan virus pandemic.

The song laments “there ain’t no rock and roll, and the blues has lost its soul; all the punks gave the man control, and every pop star’s bought and sold,” with accompanying news clippings and other imagery serving to trash the “Big Pharma sellouts” who demanded vaccinated-only crowds and towed the government line amid Covid hysteria.


Five Times August pulled no punches against the “Big Pharma whores, shillin’ for a check,” accusing them of having completely abandoned their anti-establishment, rebellious posture when it counted: “All the suits lick the boots of the government, what they sang they never meant.”


Details in the music video underline the point, recalling standout episodes such as the Kaiser Chiefs (or “Pfizer Chiefs”) leading crowds with cries of: “Let me hear it if you’ve had the Pfizer vacine! Let me hear it for Moderna! AstraZeneca!”


Watch in full here

One thought on “LISTEN: ‘There Ain’t No Rock and Roll’ Song Rips Music Industry for Big Pharma Sellout.

  1. I take profound delight in seeing those we made rich having their souls exposed for fully selling out. Those I used to just about worship I now spit on.

    But Rock ‘n Roll will rise again. The youth of the world are waking as they see the world they are inheriting. If we failed them before, we can help them now by fighting for their freedom to thrive, for their Bill of Rights. Move over Neil Young. And Bruce, you were never The Boss of ANYTHING!!


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