8 thoughts on “LUNACY! What Pelosi Says Here Will Absolutely BLOW YOUR MIND!!

      1. Koyote, Nice one!! That is very sound logic indeed. Hey, if it’s good for the “government, it’s gotta be good for us, right!

  1. I’m not surprised by this in the least and no one should be. But my question is, where is the outrage from the twitter stormer trump, who goes off every time Pelosi says or does anything else? I wonder why hes so silent about this blatant admission of treason and abandonment of the American people? Is he in agreement with her? He had a lot to say about ilhan Omar for calling out the meddling of the very nation Pelosi just pledged allegiance to. I wonder. What say you trumpettes?

  2. I’m sure that the remainder of the 171 wounded sailors, and their families that lost 35 crew members aboard the USS Liberty are just thrilled that this (censored) (censored), thinks so highly of Israel. and also the government that continues to give aid to the nation, that continues to slaughter men, women and children.

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