‘Magic Mirror, On the Wall’ …Judaic Pathological Narcissism as the Sparkplug of Armageddon

The Ugly Truth – by Mark Glen

Famous is thy beauty majesty, but behold, a lovely maid I see…Rags cannot hide her gentle grace…Alas, she is more fair than thee…’

–The Magic Mirror in Walt Disney’s Snow White speaking to Grimhilde, the jealous queen/evil witch.  

We have to assume–given the incalculable suffering presently taking place involving a certain ‘neighborhood’ of persons of the non-Gentile persuasion–that had He (the Almighty) to do it all over again He would probably leave out all the ‘I will bless those who bless thee and curse those who curse thee’ nonsense and get right down to business of the ‘thou shalts’ and ‘thou shalt nots’.

After all, He is considered a wise and merciful creator, is He not? Not just wise and merciful, but the shrewdest of all investors as well, and what has His (supposed) aggrandizement of this tiny microbe of ‘chosen people’ profited Him and His business interests?

Well, if we are to go by the ‘official records’–meaning the Bible–ever since these people pushed and elbowed their way into 1st place ahead of their contemporaries it has been nothing short of disastrous, both then and now. War, exploitation, deception, greed, envy, assassination, genocide, despoilment, enslavement–all these and much more–the same bitter fruits our forefathers dealt with yesterday that we are dealing with today.

The only real difference between then and now is that 4,000 years ago the Chosenites had neither nuclear weapons nor control of the world’s economy as they do today.

And yet, the lone individual responsible for bringing this venture about–both past and present–is supposed to be pleased with this? Are we really to believe (as some think) He gets some kind of sick pleasure seeing his priceless merchandise–meaning the innocent men, women and children in places such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Lebanon and elsewhere–squandered and wasted (literally in the millions) and that He wants even more of it in places such as Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere? That He fantasizes about seeing entire swaths of stable, productive civilizations being turned into cauldrons of misery or that He shrieks with glee at the sight of maimed children–the same children He created with a mere thought–robbed of their legs, arms, faces, etc, by psychopaths who believe this is all part of the ‘Divine Plan’?

Well of course, there are plenty of nutcases these days who would say (and not just with a resounding ‘yes’, but a clear and unequivocal) HELL YES to the above questions and who maintain with the same kind of fervency as yesteryear’s flat-earthers that indeed the Big Guy sits up there with a bottle of Manischewitz in one hand and a plateful of latkes in the other as He reclines and watches the light show taking place down below.

After all, these nutcases say, He DID make that promise to His ‘Chosen’ people that He will ‘bless those who bless thee and curse those who curse thee’ and therefore, logically, He is more than ready, willing and able to bring about Armageddon and the consummation of the entire world which He created for the benefit of this tiniest of minorities…That He sits up there with an itchy trigger finger, growling through clenched teeth ‘Go ahead punks, make my day…’ and is just waiting for an excuse to run everything–vegetable, animal, mineral or what not–through the great divine meat grinder…

…and just so He can make good on His word to this same microscopic group of people who have been so much a welcome addition to mankind’s various civilizations that they have been kicked out of every decent country in the world throughout history shortly after their uninvited arrival.

Of course, the one question not asked in the 4,000 years since this concept of ‘chosenness’ (said to be the definitive bird’s-eye view into the mind of the Almighty) was first introduced is whether or not there is a shred of truth to any of it. On its face, the idea certainly seems to defy all logic, that the creator responsible for all life and order in the universe would pick one guy–ONE GUY–stick a blue ‘First Prize’ ribbon on him (as well as on his kith-n-kin) before the beauty contest even got underway, give everyone else in the competition the boot and declare that all future contests had been decided already by this one decision.

And yet this is how we are supposed to believe it all went down, and more so, that to this very day, the creator of all things STILL favors them heads and shoulders above everything and everyone else…That there is something organically and ontologically different about them–meaning the Jews–making them better and thus rendering the rest of us inferior, or, as Jewish writer Ariel Natan Pasko wrote in his article ‘This War Is For Us’

‘Simply put another way, if all the world is a stage, then the Jews–and especially those in the Land of Israel–are the lead actors on the stage of history, and the goyim (the gentiles) have supporting roles…As our tradition states, G-D – the great playwright – created the world for the sake of the Jewish People, and it is our responsibility to implement the Torah – absolute morality and the blueprint of creation – in it…’

It is so farcical, so non-sensical and irrational on its face that in this modern age it should be rejected with all other notions rooted in madness and illogic such as the aforementioned flat-earth theory or the practice of drilling holes in the heads of the mentally ill so that the demons afflicting them can escape.

And yet, unbeknownst to so many, it is not. Rather, it is swallowed whole hog by entire swaths of people, so much so that it is now THE dominant ideology driving world events today and which threatens to destroy all life on earth if its aims are not met.

For those who have not put 2 and 2 together in this matter, what we are of course discussing here is the present ‘clash of civilizations’ being waged by Israel’s proxies in the ‘Christian’ West against those in the Middle East and elsewhere. Whether recognized as such or not, nevertheless it is a billion+ on one side vs. a billion+ on the other and all of it engineered by this covetous, envious third party aiming to see the aforementioned two sides succumb to the inevitable grand prize–Mutually Assured Destruction–leaving what is left of the carcass free for picking and pecking on the part of Judaic vultures, and all fueled by a mindset that cannot tolerate fair competition, because with fair competition comes the possibility of defeat, which for them is unthinkable.

Of course some–carefully placed throughout the various podiums and soapboxes around the globe–will say it is more ‘complicated’ than simple narcissism on the part of Judaic interests, that there are other ‘factors’ that contribute to this apocalyptic situation, ‘explanations’ using long, complicated names, pronunciations, and definitions that the rest of us are too stupid to understand. Themes such as ‘jihad’ and ’72 virgins’ and ‘anti-Shemitism’ and ‘fatwa’ and ‘Islamo-fascism’ and a whole host of others that Merlin and his fellow magicians have conveniently conjured up and stored away in their little black bag of dirty mind tricks.

But in the end, in the final analysis where the rubber meets the road and where the bottom line speaks with the same authority as a judge’s gavel on the bench, it is indeed this ‘love thyself above all others’ mindset–the bedrock of Judaic thinking and behavior–that acts as THE sparkplug for the impending Armageddon that the entire world is facing.

In short, pathological narcissism that obliterates any sense of morality or conscience on the part of those afflicted and–much like the latter stages of rabies–renders the infected animal mad and, just as former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan once described the Jewish state–‘too dangerous to bother.’

‘Magic mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?..’ asks the wicked Queen in Snow White. She isn’t asking this because she is curious, but rather–

(1) Because her identity is wrapped up in her own self-perceived unchallenged beauty and superiority. Rather than just accept the fact that she is a typical woman subject to fleeting beauty–meaning age, gray hair, wrinkles, weight gain, bad teeth, etc–and that she must compete fair and square with her competitors on the great catwalk of life, instead she insists on being numero uno, FOREVER, and the possibility that she might be bumped from 1st place as a result of another’s beauty is a nightmare too horrible to contemplate.

(2) In the event the mirror drops the bomb and breaks the bad news to her that indeed she has been replaced as Grand Champion she needs to know who the lucky lady is so that the competition can be eliminated from the scene, thus replacing the balance within her own private universe, not unlike what took place years back between 2 Olympic figure skaters where the one sent her boyfriend on a mission with a crowbar to break the other’s legs.

And thus it is with Judaic thinking. Much like the biblical legend concerning Lucifer’s fall from heaven, where the celestial being saw himself as the most beautiful of all the angels (the realization of which destroyed him, leading him to declare he would not submit to ‘lesser’ beings) and thus took as many of his fellow angels to hell with him as possible, so too has this narcissistic self-perceived awareness on the part of those held prisoner by Judaic thinking done likewise. For those who imagine themselves as the apple of God’s eye, the idea that such a notion does not jibe with reality–and worse–that someone else, some other group of people may surpass them in beauty, virtue, and culture is ‘terrorism’ in its purest sense, the only solution to which is war, despoilment, genocide, enslavement, and all the other ‘curses’ which the Jews wrote into that book of black magic and hate known as the Torah.

Which is why Iran MUST be destroyed, and why Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Libya, Yemen and other places HAVE been destroyed. This is the reason for this thing, this ‘Clash of Civilizations’, a ten-shekel word describing in effect a campaign of extermination against the same Islamic world that refuses to bow down and worship the bitch in front of the mirror and declare her to be the fairest of them all.

The obvious proof this entire business of one microscopic, seemingly insignificant group of people being sifted out of the rest of humanity and made into a master race of supermen by an entity no less in importance than the creator Himself did not spring forth from the mind of a wise, merciful and rational being but rather from the organically-criminal narcissism of those who stand to benefit from this ‘chosenness’ is the fact it has failed everywhere it went. From Egypt to Canaan in the Old Testament to Palestine and Iraq today, EVERYWHERE the protocols and paradigms of this idea have been implemented, the results have been the same–devastation, war, misery, on and on for those who find themselves within its clutches. Like a highly radioactive element that destroys everything in its immediate vicinity, the pathological narcissism known as Judaism has never blossomed into anything of any benefit for mankind.

Not once. Never. Nor will it ever.

Rather, as we are witnessing today, it has been and continues to be like a single lit match dropped on a parched forest floor resulting in a wildfire devastating millions of acres, thousands of homes and everything else in its path, and it is this single factor–Jewish pathological narcissism–that has brought the world to the brink of extinction today.

‘There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root…’ as Henry David Thoreau once wrote…

And indeed, it is now our lot, as well as that of our children, to suffer the disastrous consequences of having only ‘pruned’ this thorny, dangerous tree (in the form of all the ghettos, expulsions, pogroms and ‘persecutions’) rather than destroying it root and all by declaring this pathology of the spirit and mind to be what it is–an outlaw, criminal mentality.

Indeed, if there be a 2nd chance in the future, let us hope that wise men learn from history and finish what their forefathers were unable or unwilling to do, which is to toss the tree–root and all–into the great bonfire of history and to never weep a micro-tear over its demise.

Then, and only then, will peace on earth flourish, where the ‘fairest of them all’ do not spend so much time in front of the mirror but instead choose to live in an atmosphere of peace and productivity with their fellow men, not as kings and queens, but as equals.

Mark Glenn

The Ugly Truth

9 thoughts on “‘Magic Mirror, On the Wall’ …Judaic Pathological Narcissism as the Sparkplug of Armageddon

  1. It’s “Mirror, mirror on the wall…”, been that way, and ain’t gonna Mandela Effect me with all this bible crappola!!

  2. “He DID make that promise to His ‘Chosen’ people that He will ‘bless those who bless thee and curse those who curse thee’ ”
    THIS COMMENT WAS TO ABRAHAM PERSONALLY, AND THE SUBJECT WAS CHRIST. EVEN ABRAHAM KNEW THIS…………….Art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead? and the prophets are dead: whom makest thou thyself?
    Joh 8:54 Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he is your God:
    Joh 8:55 Yet ye have not known him; but I know him: and if I should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: but I know him, and keep his saying.
    Joh 8:56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad. …

  3. You’re welcome, Jill. I find this to be very important and pertinent information in regards to what we’re up against. When anything from The Good Book is challenged it brings much opposition, but sometimes it just has to be done. I say this as one who loves Christ and his teachings, I mean beyond any church or institution or any interpretations other than my own. What this article covers is truly about getting to the root.

    I hate to write about it because I don’t want to upset anyone, but I just have to say that I remember many years ago when I first read Torah (first five books of The Bible), I was shocked. These directives given to “the chosen,” to rampage and kill and steal were not what I would expect from a loving God. So, even in my youth, I rejected all that and just settled in with the gospels, for in them I found not only great love but also great courage in standing up to the evil of the day.

    So the article urges going to the root. I can’t say I disagree.


    1. Galen, that Deuteronomy stuff you mention (most of the “kill the whatever-ites” God supposedly commanded of Israel is in this book, but some is also in Numbers and Exodus) IS TRULY THE ONLY PART OF THE BIBLE THAT BOTHERS ME, that God could command genocide of whoever. One theory surrounding this has to do with the possibility that these races/groups that God wanted killed were compromised by Nephilim DNA (such as the Rephahim of Canaan, mentioned I forgot exactly where, when Moses sent out members of each tribe to slaughter Canaanites but the men compared themselves to grasshoppers compared to the Rephahim), and that these folks were descended from a new set of fallen angels mating with daughter of men after Noah’s flood. Another theory suggests God wanted them killed because they worshiped some Satanic god (moloch, for instance). Whatever, God wanted this done for His purposes…and keep in mind Isaiah 45 where it says God created good AND evil. Again, for His purposes. So, while I prefer to think of God as a loving God, the fact is God, the Creator, is not always a loving God. But if you believe in Christ, then don’t worry, God has your back. “He who hath the Son hath the Father also” (1 John 2:23)

      And another thing…today’s Talmudic Jews are either the Synagogue of Satan, or descended from Khazars, or likely, both. Judaism was created by the Pharisees, whom Christ denounced. Pathological narcissism doesn’t begin to describe Talmudic Judaism!

      1. Thanks, DL.

        Yeah, that “only part” that bothers you happens to be, in the eyes of many, the root of the problem because many Jews still hold allegiance to it. Some assert that Talmud is merely a continuation of Torah.

        I do not care from what origins these directives spring. To me they are evil and an offense to The Bill of Rights, to my freedom, to my very mind. Having a bent for philosophy, I try to take from all spiritual camps, that which I find useful and of integrity.

        I am of no particular camp and accept most of creation as a grand mystery. There are those who are so certain and claim to “know.” For myself, I avoid all that, since all it is speculation. That is not to step on anyone’s transcendental experiences, just speaking for myself.


      2. “… TRULY THE ONLY PART OF THE BIBLE THAT BOTHERS ME, that God could command genocide of whoever.”

        Having done an in-depth study of the main ‘religions’ (and especially on the TRUE history of Christianity, NOT the Catholic church’s FALSE narrative), DL, I can tell you why.

        The nations God told the HEBREWS (NOT the stinking jews) to destroy were absolutely Satanically corrupted, and absolutely beyond any hope of salvation. so they definitely deserved the fate they received. Anyone who burns babies in bronze idols is something less than human, imo, and I totally agree with God’s judgement.

  4. “The only real difference between then and now is that 4,000 years ago the Chosenites had neither nuclear weapons nor control of the world’s economy as they do today.’

    F%&kin’ IDIOT!

    The TRUE Chosenites were the HEBREWS, moron… the stinking jews were NOT THE HEBREWS, they were the offspring of ESAU, NOT JACOB.

    I’ve got no time for clowns who cloud the issue with lies & propaganda, who don’t even know the difference between a HEBREW and a STINKING jEW… kick rocks, bozo!

  5. Seems to me that in the end we each have to go with what heart and mind and gut tell us, what resonates as true, beyond any thing written or any verbal account. To not listen to myself is to deny my innate capability of discernment. I’m sure honest mistakes are made; hell, I’ve made a few thousand for sure, and hopefully I learn from them, but unless I use my own intelligence as compass I might believe ANYTHING. I question everything. Nothing against anyone who accepts Torah, but right now, for me, Torah is anathema.

    Aside: Wow, some days I am so grateful for Article 1. It allows for discussions such as these, where even one who is not a bible scholar can weigh in. Article 1 is the sweet relief that I can be who I am and believe as I will. It also allows me the right to criticize whatever I choose to, to reject what I choose to and to embrace what I choose to embrace. And it allows the same for EVERYBODY! God Bless Article 1.


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