Return of Kings -by John Augustine
arge corporations are not the antithesis of Marxism—they in fact form an integral part of the Marxist program. If you are like most people you will scoff at what seems to be an obvious oxymoron as corporations have been touted as the capitalist antithesis to communism. However as we will examine capitalism and communism are not diametrically opposed, in fact they are two sides of the same coin. The Janusarial relationship of capitalism and communism is a grand Hegelian dialectic in order to confiscate, subordinate, and permanently solidify control over the people and their property of the world.
Capitalism is where a small group of owners control the means of production (capital) of a country. The term “capitalism” was coined in part by Karl Marx. When most people think of capitalism they think of the “free market,” but this is not what capitalism is. According to Marx, capitalism is a transitory stage between feudalism and socialism. Thus according to Marxism, communists need capitalists in order to implement communism.
Communism is where the state controls the means of production, and private property of a country. Thus whomever controls the state can be said to own the means of production and property of a nation. As is evident there is not much difference between capitalism and communism.
Thus Marxism is simply the way people are controlled and their assets seized. Marxism is a fluid philosophy which adapts to the most efficacious means for goal accomplishment. Marxism does not present itself honestly. Because of its duplicitous nature, Marxism is both the philosophy of corporations and communists.
The role of corporations
The modern idea of a corporation was created in England in the 17th century so that the owners of the corporation could not be sued by investors in the case the corporation failed. Essentially, corporations are legal entities that are created in order to absolve the owners of corporations from being held accountable for the actions of the corporation.

When you achieve what Karl Marx wanted are you not a Marxist?
Most people assume that large corporations work by exploiting economies of scale. Economies of scale is where the increased volume of work translates into lower cost per unit produced. However the economy of scale is largely canceled out by the top heavy, bureaucratic nature of the modern corporation.
How do corporations really work? Central bankers create fiat money which they sell for interest to governments. Central bankers then take interest payments and invest it in stocks. Profit from stocks and corporate profit are then used to buy lobbyists which in turn write laws that give competitive advantages to large corporations. Corporations in turn solicit more investments push cultural Marxism on their workforce. Corporations that get out of line are targeted by the government and foundation groups.

Won’t see this on the corporate news
This is a very simplified expose of the system, but as is evident the large corporation is far from being a bastion of the American style free market is in fact a Marxist institution. Corporations most heavily committed to Marxism, like Apple, Google, and Amazon, see their stock go up. This is why Starbucks CEO like Howard Shultz promotes Marxism—he will attract capital from central banks. This capital comes in the form of stock purchases which drive up his personal stock, thus making him a far more wealthy man. In essence the state takes your money and gives it to a small group of people who control the means of production for a country through their ownership of corporations.
Corporations are About Social Control
When the two great communist experiments in collectivization failed miserably in 1930’s Soviet Union and 1960’s China, it became apparent that hard-style communism would never work. Thus, cultural Marxism was born and the large corporation took its preeminence in the Marxist crusade to socialize the West. Corporations use soft-style control and have subjugated the public to accept women in the workplace, feminism, diversity, emasculation, and all the other social ills in the name of the “bottom line.”

When it takes this many people to manage one illegal alien is your business really about the “bottom line?”
The soft style control of the corporation has proved far more efficacious than the hard style control of the Soviet Union. Whereas in the Soviet Union, if you resisted Marxism you were either shot or sent to the gulag. Now if you resist Marxism you only loose your job, house, wife, and have to pay child support, because you don’t have a job you will go to jail and have to deal with the legal system for the rest of your life. Perhaps the Soviet way was gentler. Of course you should take consolation because your corporate boss’s hands were tied after-all, he had to do it! Well if you have to get fired for resisting Marxism how then is a corporation not a Marxist institution?

No matter who you work for or what you do you will have to attend these training’s every year.
Corporations embrace collectivization
Corporations exist to separate the ownership from accountability. This philosophy of non-accountability, yet taking credit for successes, is what permeates all aspects of corporate culture because it is the exact purpose why corporations were founded. This is in its essence Marxist as it is a philosophy where the labor is divorced from ownership and ownership controls are divorced from labor. If that sounds too heady it basically means that the corporate structure subverts the nature of ownership to become how Marxists desire ownership to be.
Corporations are essentially run by boards from the top to the bottom. This is a microcosm of the fundamental problem with corporations which is that they are legal creations designed for people to avoid responsibility. It is very rare that you will find a person actually be directly in charge of anything. Their title may say that they are, however most of their actual work is sitting around in meetings, preparing for meetings, sending emails, or enforcing one of the plethora of regulations. Thus it becomes apparent that the real purpose of many corporate employees is to take the part of the secret police.

Human Resources: here to enforce the parts of Marxism the KGB wouldn’t. WARNING: camera subtracts 60 lbs.
As was stated earlier, the free market is not capitalism. However, without an advocate for the people, the free market descends into monopoly capitalism.
galen, this is long, but I will read it. I need the education, specifically about capitalism. The other day it came up briefly when speaking w/ someone, and I had no answers.
This is a pretty good article. But isn’t what it’s describing actually called corporatism or fascism? If capitalism means the means of production and distribution are privately owned isn’t a farmer, manufacturer or any other producer capitalist? Maybe I’m getting lost in semantics.
Dear Jamal,
Your observation is very astute what most people define capitalism as is what you have described it as. However this is not what capitalism really is, what you and most people describe as capitalism is simply free enterprise and private property. Capitalism is as I have stated the control of capital into the hands of a few. So yes it is a bit of semantics however it is important to define terms.
an ism by any other name is still judaism
This is my kind of cartoon!
The author’s definitions and descriptions of corporations and capitalism don’t mention the fact of them being Zionist constructs in our world, or the fact that without that without that underlying tie they could, and would be something entirely different.
Marxism is an entirely Zionist invention, for Zionist motives, and that’s why Zionist-owned corporations are the “spearhead of Marxism”, and under gentile ownership, would probably be something very different.
This is why the hidden hand of Zionism must always be exposed.
Capitalism and corporations are being blamed for causing or promoting Marxism here, without mentioning that they’re promoting Marxism because they’re Zionist-owned corporations, who promote Marxism by choice, and not simply due to their existence.
Please show me the gentile-owned corporation (if there are any) that’s guilty of promoting Marxism. But of course, a life of Zionist conditioning has made it taboo to mention the Jews, so that all-important part of this equation needs to be ignored.
Thanks for the input here. It helps clarify the terminology for me.
I know, Jolly. When I sent it in I noted that there was no naming of names, and we know what that means, like you mentioned in your comment.
It’s like with 9/11. We no longer care about the “how” as much as the “who.” If I read one more article on “molten steel” I will pass out. Where is that getting us?
Articles like this are really only helpful if they take us to the “who.”
And to rhyme a bit, that would never slip past you.
.” If I read one more article on “molten steel” I will pass out…… LOL… ditto that
.” If I read one more article on “molten steel” I will pass out…… LOL…
That’s hysterical.
I’m sorry to have to confess this to you ladies, but I’m probably the reason that you’ve read so many articles on molten steel.
I was the one who’s been insisting for 15 years that the 9-11 Truth movement use this evidence as the main focus of their efforts because it’s indisputable, and easily confirmed. (and it proves the presence of explosives in the buildings)
We know! But!!
Ya know?
“It’s the jeeewwws!!!”