Mainstream coverage of the chaos

Jun 6, 2020
Demonstrations take place around the world over the death of George Floyd and two Buffalo police officers charged with assault as outrage grows over clashes with protesters.

4 thoughts on “Mainstream coverage of the chaos

  1. So, mainstream (every station and outlet) is fully validating the chaos and destruction, and of course, calling it “a global movement.” All this while Covid Communism is given a massive push forward. But evidently you can’t get the virus at a protest. Some quotes I recently came across:

    “The latest MSM line is that the police and national guard are not there to police its own people. If that be the case then this whole COVID agenda of forced lockdowns & illegal orders to close down businesses will not/cannot be enforceable.”
    — Author Unknown

    “No section of the American populace has been more completely deceived by the forces interested in keeping the truth from the people than America’s youth.”
    — Francis Parker Yockey

    “The 19th century was the age of Individualism. … This destiny does not tire, nor can it be broken, and its mantle of strength descends upon those in its service.”
    — Francis Parker Yockey


    1. his kosher unfunny garbage filled with smut and commie propaganda was never watchable to begin with. He definitely showed us the Smith-Mundt Act was long ago useless against his tribe in “the interview” with a direct connection to media and govt. There is no disconnect between the two and cui bono is the question that was answered for anyone home with lights on.

  2. Ordo Ab Chao. Order out of chaos. Global chaos by design. Dig deeper and patterns emerge. CUI BONO- Who benefits? Mossad. By way of Deception, thou shalt make war.

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