MAP: Where feds are trying to relocate illegal border surgers

Please get this to everyone so they can start forming blockades like the people of Murrietta, CA are doing! Click on the “larger map version” to see which camp locations have FAILED, which ones are being IMPLEMENTED and which ones are being PROPOSED.

Numbers USA

Since the border surge gained coverage from the mainstream media last month, the Obama Administration has tried to relocate tens of thousands of newly-arrived illegal aliens to communities across the country.  

Click on the symbols on the map for name of each location and what is happening there.  Below the map is the KEY for the symbols.

Relocation Map Key

As with all maps, you can zoom in and out, and click and drag the map for a different view. (For a larger version of this map click here. You can see a full list of all the communities in the left column.)

NumbersUSA is daily updating this interactive map to show which communities are under threat of the federal government moving large numbers of illegal aliens there from the border.

NumbersUSA is providing its members actions they can take to help stop the government’s dispersal of illegal aliens in a way that usually means they never go back home. Because people living in communities across the Americas rarely see one of their neighbors ever returned after illegally entering the United States, most of the population in those countries believe crossing the border illegally will bring great rewards.

Become more actively involved by clicking here to send messages to your three Members of Congress to block relocations in your state.

If you have any information about additional communities being targets for relocation — or if you can correct or add to the information we already have on communities — please email it to Melanie Oubre at:


15 thoughts on “MAP: Where feds are trying to relocate illegal border surgers

  1. I signed the online petition on the link given. Not that it’s going to matter, but it’s better than doing nothing.

    There have been many failed attempts at setting up bases all around the country (look at the blue pins on the map above) due to protesters re-routing the buses back to their station. There’s actually more failed attempts than there are bases, so we are definitely having a significant effect on their efforts.

    We the People must all get together, find out where these buses are going or are coming from and make a stand like the others did. We cannot allow these illegals to invade our cities any longer!

  2. Everyone needs to scout out the locations in the yellow areas and find out the possible places these illegal bastards will be transported to and get the jump on them before they arrive.

    I have already come up with some areas in Dallas and have mapped them out. Unfortunately, I don’t know anyone who can get things started like they did in Murietta, CA. If anyone knows anyone in the Dallas area with that kind of pull, let me know and I’ll send you the maps and locations.

  3. just mow the whole damn bus down. F the people working for the feds and F the people on the bus.

    The current criminal occupation(CCO) in dc has wanted this war to go hot and this is just another attempt to MAKE it.

    Remember, if the people who collect a check from the CCO dont want to go to work(because they are being killed or just set on fire) the feds got nothing besides missiles and that will be a hard sell on the msm.

    I can see the headlines now
    “Obama fires missiles into civilian america to thwart his own hanging”

  4. Here’s the response to all of this from that treasonous piece of shit, Perry who has all the means to stop this at the state level, but likes to pass the ball to Barry to save his own ass.

    He can easily issue an alert on the media, prevent DHS from shipping these illegals and ship them back across the border while getting every able body person down there, but he won’t do all of that because he’s in on the whole scam.

    Rick Perry: Flow of Illegal Immigrants ‘Not Going to Stop’

  5. If they can fly them to California, they can fly them back to Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Honduras. Why fly them further into our country? That makes zero sense.

    Why is Mexico not stopping these buses full of children, when they reach that country’s southern border?

    1. And why aren’t we at war with Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador? We’ve gone to war for a lot lesser things than this.

    2. “Why fly them further into our country? That makes zero sense.”

      It makes a lot of sense if you’re trying to destroy the place.

      1. Exactly. I always want things to “make sense.” And when they DON’T, then that is a clue (or giant red flag) that the assumptions being foisted upon us are false. In the scenario of there being a plot to take our country down, however awful and strange that may sound to people who don’t think that is possible, it makes total sense. So, go with the explanation that makes total sense.

        In the scenario of this being a “humanitarian crisis,” it doesn’t make sense.

        In the scenario of this being merely incompetent or uncoordinated government agencies trying to cover up for their incompetencies, it doesn’t make sense.

        Usually it is the “not making sense” part that can clue us in to the deception of this being something other than what the sociopaths say it is. It is the “war is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength” thing that we are all supposed to buy into without turning on our logic brains.

  6. Find out what uppity social clubs Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the liberal elite belong to. Pack up a truck full of illegals and dump them there. It’s easy to be compassionate when you’re not the one standing in the bull.

    1. According to the article:

      “Those places include Hulcy Middle School in Dallas’ Red Bird area, the Lamar School in Grand Prairie, and a building at the Parkland Hospital complex in Dallas.

      But Katrina Pierson, a Garland Tea Party leader, says the problem is, Judge Jenkins isn’t planning to have the commissioners court vote on his plan or formally receive residents’ input.

      “So a lot of Tea Partiers, grass roots conservatives, and people in general, parents, will be going to commissioners court next week to try to have their voices heard.”

      Judge Jenkins says Texas doesn’t turn its back on children.”

      Hang the JUDGE FOR TREASON!!

      This judge is refusing to have a vote and playing the “think of the children” crap. HANG HIM!

      Spread this to everyone. This needs to stop! We need to reroute the buses and and block off the areas.

      1. OMG! I just checked the map. Two of the locations are exactly around the same areas where I thought they would take them. This is incredible.

        Parkland Hospital is near the Dallas Love Field airport where I thought they would take them and the other one Hulcy Middle School is across the street from a Greyhound Bus station where I also thought they would take them.

        The last one, the Lamar school is also located right next to an airport. Imagine that.

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