Martial Law Drills Taking Place Nationwide — Black Helicopters Descend on Cities at Night

(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)We’ve seen this over the last two years but at the bottom they mention ISON oddly.

Intellihub – by Shepard Ambellas

PHOENIX (INTELLIHUB) — Like a scene out of the movie “Apocalypse Now”,  ”calls” and “tweets” flooded in to local news channel 3TV’s newsroom reported Karen Brown, confirming that the “Department of Defense” is indeed conducting exercises with “black helicopters” in the area.  

The drills are all part of a rushed “nationwide” martial law preparedness “effort” to prepare soldiers and “military personnel” for urban combat domestically. However, officially the training is to be used “overseas”, according to the report.

The militarized helicopter pack was spotted aggressively conducting exercises at night in the Phoenix metro area using “black” helicopters with no running lights, eyewitnesses said. One witness stated that the helicopters were moving up and down the skyscrapers in the city, moving from one to the next.

Meanwhile at the Port of Los Angeles, port security is a new concern. In fact, a new report said that the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security has “issued a grant” to thwart a potential nuclear terrorist attack against the “city” of Los Angeles.

“Homeland Security already conducts some monitoring on land”, said the report, but now there may be an allowance for the sea.

All of this comes at an opportune time for the establishment to ultimately seize on, and likely pressing a false flag radiological or nuclear attack on an American city in hopes to fully control the general public in a long drawn-out martial law scenario. That’s all speculation of course, but one must ask: what are they gearing up for?

An estimated $B worth of cargo go through the port daily, law enforcement agencies say this poses a problem, making the port a potential target for terrorists.

The Dept. of Homeland Security has awarded the city an $11.4M grant and may expand it to $30M over the next five years, but some wonder what other ports are doing for security now as many holes are left open, including Seattle and the New York Harbor.

Rest assured drills have been taking place throughout November nationwide as Texan’s also found out the hard way. The Dallas Observer reported, “This weekend, heavily armored police, SWAT teams, bomb squads, and paramedics will descend upon 20 sites in North Texas–Irving’s Stipes Elementary, Tarrant County College’s Northwest Campus, Baylor hospital in Dallas, and some barns in Duncanville among them–for the region’s inaugural Urban Shield training exercise.

It’s funded by the Department of Homeland Security, run by a private contractor, the Cytel Group, and organized locally by the North Central Council of Governments. It is, for all intents and purposes, a gigantic counter-terrorism drill.”[1]

The fact of the matter is that all of this came in wake of the Boston Marathon Bombing, in which it was proven by alternative media sources that Craft International operatives were afoot, i.e. a false flag was carried out. The same can be said for the attacks on America in 2001. Rest assured there will be a new boogieman this time, likely Iran.

Star-Telegram reported, ”What happened in Boston won’t be allowed here by the population. That will be a danger to everyone. The way they went through people’s homes. The way they pointed weapons,” said Douglas Bell, 33, a disabled veteran who was among four residents who spoke in opposition Tuesday night. “Our people should not be trained to do that. It is unnecessary.”

Mayor Robert Cluck defended the joint exercise, saying the city often engages in preparedness exercises because public safety is complicated and everyone needs to know what their job is in an emergency.

“Clearly the world is more dangerous, but this exercise is not prompted by any one recent incident,” Cluck said earlier Tuesday”[2]

Some question if the urgent martial law preparation has anything to do with the massive comet ISON set to pass by earth in December at 880,000 mph. The comet has been kept under close wraps by the mainline press lately despite an early warning in January of 2013 by one rogue reporter.


[1] As North Texas Preps for Massive Counter-Terrorism Drill, Protestors Decry Police Militarization – Dallas Observer

[2] Arlington residents question “excessive” tactics in regional disaster drill – Star-Telegraph

13 thoughts on “Martial Law Drills Taking Place Nationwide — Black Helicopters Descend on Cities at Night

  1. Yep, I have been seeing military helicopters flying over head – and at only about twice the height of Aspen trees – at about 200 – 250 ft. up and flying real slow. They fly over head at about 2 pm CDT. on tuesdays and on wensdays. usually two at at time…… they started about 1 1/2 months ago. One time there was a low and slow flying cargo plane. These helicopters and this plane were all painted that olive green color….. These are flying from west to east between Minneapolise and Eau Claire Wi. About 20 mi. west of Eau Claire…. They are up to something I think.

    1. I remember Obama in his first term saying that he wanted to stop moon landings and focus on asteroids and how it would be more beneficial for us to learn about asteroids than the moon. Then the Military and NASA sent out a top secret package into space a few months after that. Now 4 or 5 years later and we see comet ISON appear. You can bet your ass that the government knows more than they are telling and they are definitely hiding something from us.

      1. Funny thing about this comet. There seems to be diffrent opinions about the size. Some say as large as the moon(i don’t believe that) to a mile across. Could it break apart when it makes it’s pass around the sun and become many smaller pieces,maybe. Strangly there was an story a couple mounths ago(i’m looking for it but can’t seem to find it anymore) about the green glass in the sahara desert and that they have found evidence that it was a comet that caused that to happen. It just seemed odd to me that with all this talk of ISON that that story would show up now. I’m sure it isn’t going to hit earth but even in the remote chance that it did what could you do about it?

        1. like you say, Redhorse…nothing one could do if it does strike earth….my wonder was, what the story itself had to say of the whole subject…since that was unclear to me….tks for the talk

      2. Im not 100% sure myself what it says, i do know that the path of the comet and whatever is left of it is purely theretical calculation, a little like modeling waves, no 2 are alike and there are a lot of variables,
        So who really knows? Could be something or could be norhing, in my mind i could see it break up and create a debris field that earth passes through a few times.

  2. I’m in North Dallas now and have been here for over a week. Haven’t seen anything unusual on my end nor have I heard any choppers at night. Only private airplanes.

  3. ““Clearly the world is more dangerous, but this exercise is not prompted by any one recent incident,” Cluck said earlier Tuesday””

    Clearly you are living in your own delusional fantasy world and this IS prompted by many recent and old incidents dating as far back as 9/11. So shut the F**k up and stop insulting our intelligence, you treasonous piece of shit!

  4. “The Dallas Observer reported, “This weekend, heavily armored police, SWAT teams, bomb squads, and paramedics will descend upon 20 sites in North Texas–Irving’s Stipes Elementary, Tarrant County College’s Northwest Campus, Baylor hospital in Dallas, and some barns in Duncanville among them–for the region’s inaugural Urban Shield training exercise.”

    Again, why no one at the Dallas Observer or no one in general asks the obvious question of which is “WHY AREN’T THEY DOING THESE EXERCISES ON THE BASES WHERE THEY BELONG?” is beyond me. They completely jump over the whole question and assume that troops do this all the time in real world or have been doing this since the country began. I mean do they really think we are that stupid? Unfrigginbelievable!!!

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