Massive Russiagate Scandal Threatens to Expose Biden Family to Further Scrutiny as National Security Threats by Kyle Becker

According to an anonymous national security source speaking to RedState, the United States intelligence community believes that Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma Holdings, is an asset of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).

The reported development, citing intelligence assessments stemming back to the Obama administration, thus has profound implications for U.S. national security. It adds to mounting evidence that the Bidens have been compromised by Chinese spiesUkrainian oligarchs, and now, Russian intelligence.

Zlochevsky allegedly paid $10 million in bribes to Joe and Hunter Biden in 2015 and 2016, seeking assistance from then-Vice President Joe Biden in the firing of Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin. The official told RedState’s editor Jen Van Laar:

“The US intelligence community has a high degree of confidence in their assessment of Zlochevsky as SVR. This is not a new assessment; the intelligence community under Obama knew this, and Obama was briefed on it. Joe Biden and Victoria Nuland were briefed as well.”

On Monday, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) revealed that a “foreign national” mentioned in an FD-1023 form by a confidential human source (CHS) claimed to have bribed Hunter and Joe Biden and possessed 17 audio recordings of their conversations about the arrangement. Grassley said:

According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses fifteen audio recordings of phone calls between him and Hunter Biden. According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses two audio recordings of phone calls between him and then-Vice President Joe Biden. These recordings were allegedly kept as a sort of insurance policy for the foreign national in case he got into a tight spot. The 1023 also indicates that then-Vice President Joe Biden may have been involved in Burisma employing Hunter Biden.

These recordings were created as a form of “insurance policy.” It remains unclear whether the FBI has copies of these audio recordings.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who previously served as an attorney for former President Donald Trump, claimed that he offered to give a U.S. attorney information about a whistleblower with access to smoking gun evidence of a Biden international bribery scheme, but he was ignored and she later died under mysterious circumstances.

The former Trump attorney gave his statements about the now-deceased chief accountant at Burisma, the Ukrainian oil and gas company that gave Hunter Biden hundreds of thousands of dollars to sit a board seat, while on Newsmax.

“Well, of course, that’s the most ridiculous, idiotic statement to make on a day in which we find out that the Bidens took a $10 million bribe fom a Ukrainian Mykola Zlochevsky, which I could have told you, you know, and did tell [the DOJ] three years ago. And they followed up on none of the evidence I gave them. They were hoping that people would disappear or die. It’s extraordinary.”

Giuliani said he gave the DOJ “one witness … who is a woman, who is the chief accountant at this crooked company, Burisma. She was the wife of the former owner, who died under suspicious circumstances. And she was willing to give up all of the offshore bank accounts, including the Bidens. And she’s supervised the transfer of a lot more cash to the Bidens and other crooked politicians for Burisma.”

Mykola Zlochevsky, in addition to establishing Burisma, served as Ukraine’s Ecology and National Resources Minister from July 2010 to April 2012 and as Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council from April 2012 to February 2014. He appointed Hunter Biden to the Burisma board in April 2014. In the same month, Zlochevsky’s assets in the UK were seized as part of a corruption investigation into Ukraine’s former President Viktor Yanukovych.

Additionally, on Monday, House Oversight Committee Chair Representative James Comer issued a subpoena to Devon Archer, who also joined the Burisma board and was Hunter Biden’s business partner during the relevant timeframe.

Senator Grassley also contextualized the recent devastating findings about Biden family corruption.

“So, the FBI showed but didn’t provide possession of that 1023 to the House Oversight Committee last week,” Grassley said on Sunday. “As the public knows that 1023 involves an alleged bribery scheme between then-Vice President Biden, Hunter Biden and a foreign national. The same allegations that Chairman Comer and I made public on May 3 of this year.”

“And on the same day that the FBI provided a redacted version of the 1023 to the House Oversight Committee, the Justice Department announced that former President Trump had been indicted and charged with 37 crimes relating to his alleged mishandling of classified records,” he continued.

“Attorney General Garland signed off on prosecuting Trump for conduct similar to what Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton engaged in,” the senator added. “Two standards of justice in this country will turn our constitutional Republic upside down. Thanks to the political infection within the Biden Justice Department and FBI, we’re well along the road for that to happen.”

If Zlochevsky is confirmed to be a Russian intelligence asset, it would thus create the thorny issue of the FBI having led a counter-intelligence investigation into former President Donald Trump over allegedly being compromised by the Russians, while ignoring both former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s use of Russian disinformation to compromise the Trump campaign and undermine his presidency, as well as allowing the Bidens to remain a national security threat compromised by the Russian government and hiding the damning information from the American people.

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One thought on “Massive Russiagate Scandal Threatens to Expose Biden Family to Further Scrutiny as National Security Threats by Kyle Becker

  1. Just a cursory glance at this shows me we’re still not hearing about Hunter’s pedo dance. Everything but. As Henry encouraged, I’ll keep screamin’ it.


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