3 thoughts on “Medea Benjamin flames Nancy Pelosi: “Don’t call us Russian apologists or Chinese apologists… you’re an lsrael apologist!”

  1. even a stopped clock is right twice a day… of course I don’t think they make those kind of clocks anymore but y’all know what I mean!!

  2. Code Pink is always suspect as controlled opposition. They somehow always manage to get behind closed doors and up close and personal with people like Pelosi. They also were in a peace parade with an actual army tank painted pink. Folks questioned where they got it and the big question was “WHO PAID FOR THIS?!!” I did read long ago that they were Soros-funded.

    Tank pic:



  3. Of course they’re controlled opposition! jews would NEVER let non-jews get away with roasting them in public. Another example was the guy that was doing all the up-close baiting street interviews in Davos recently. It was that “OzraeliAvi” guy if I’m not mistaken – the guy that has/had an Israeli flag next to his name on Twatter. All of this stuff is controlled op psychological warfare BS. Pretty obvious to anyone who sees.

    “All warfare is based on deception…” – Sun Tsu (or should that be Some jew?)

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