Mexican Official Threatens to Unleash Cartels, Flood U.S. With Drugs and Narcotics

The Last Refuge – by Sundance

If people had doubts about the Mexican government being influenced and controlled by drug cartels, well, they can put that doubt away.

In a stunning segment on Fareed Zakaria’s CNN broadcast today Mexico’s former foreign minister, Jorge Castaneda, states the Mexican government is willing to counter U.S. President Donald Trump policy by unleashing drug cartels upon the U.S. border.  

Watch, and more importantly LISTEN, to his words at 02:10 below:

This is the most politically explosive admission by the Mexican government in the past decade.  Even Fareed Zakaria realized what was being threatened and quickly attempted to redirect the conversation.

Castaneda is openly admitting a willingness to promote drug trafficking.  Additionally, Jorge Castaneda is so proud of the threat, he even posted a video of the discussion on his own YouTube page.

However, don’t expect the video to remain in place too long, because the implications here are so politically explosive, and the admission so brutally obvious and threatening, it could undermine the entire argument of the Mexican government and expose an open secret of collusion they would prefer to remain hidden.

And excellent article written in December of 2016 outlines the strategy of Castaneda as it pertains to fighting Donald Trumps efforts.  –SEE HERE

Castaneda not only threatens to send drugs, he also threatens to flood the United States will illegal South Americans and openly admits Mexico could stop the border crossings if it wanted to, but instead chooses to use immigration as a weapon against the United States.

(Via VDare) […]  He openly states Mexico should use Central American immigration as a weapon against us [Mexico can use Central-American immigration as bargaining chip with Trump, Univision, December 8, 2016]:

There has been a surge in Central American immigrants heading for the United States since Donald Trump won the Election in November, according to several initial reports… If this is the case, it is only logical. Trump has vowed to build his wall. It does not matter if Mexico will pay for it or even if the threat is true. It makes perfect sense for anybody hoping to make it to the United States, from Salvador, Honduras or Guatemala, to do so before any wall is put up….If they have relatives in the United States, or if they think that their reception will be better with President Barack Obama still in power until January 20, then their decision is perfectly rational.

Castaneda recounts how during the Surge of 2014, the Obama Administration pressured Mexico:

When the first wave of unaccompanied minors came to the United States in July 2014, Mexico complied with the White House request to cooperate in stopping the flow of immigrants. The logic behind it was sound. The goal was to avoid sparking anti-immigrant hysteria in the United States precisely when immigration reform seemed set to prosper.

My italics! By “hysteria,” Castaneda means provoking Americans who want a sane American immigration policy.  (read more)

The Last Refuge

11 thoughts on “Mexican Official Threatens to Unleash Cartels, Flood U.S. With Drugs and Narcotics

  1. OK so game on, we have been threatened with war by a foreign state. We have legal justification to begin the invasion, bombing raids, lay waste to Mexico City and arrest the Mexican government officials. The Mexican problem could be no more and we have every right to do so now.

  2. mexico is booming , and they’ve gotten too big for their britches. They aren’t friendly in Arizona…and they will steal everything. They go in people’s houses , while they are at work, and eat, shower and steal clothes. Many have been coming home to a house like this. They are confrontational. And they have MANY NGO’s working on their behalf. Most americans don’t want them here. My home town of Tucson Arizona is decimated and oppressed. It used to be a quiet,clean city. Nice place to grow up in. Now the schools have gangs and all. They form their own gangs. Get them out. We don’t need trade with them. At all.

  3. Mexico would lose a real fight with us so fast, they wouldn’t know what hit them. I seriously doubt they could last more than a week. Time to bring the troops home form overseas and put them all on the border, fully locked and loaded, with tanks, artillery, attack helicopters and aircraft flying sorties. I have had enough of them freeloading on America’s back!

    1. You want to place the US army around the US borders?

      you must be nuts

      wall is too expensive
      the militia should protect the US borders, not the military, military invasion aside
      militia shoots people entering as places that not points of entry

      1. You are the only nut I see. Why don;t you go to the border and start shooting the invaders, we’ll start a pool to see long before the border patrol shoots YOU.

  4. It is the elites, the Zionists, the rich men and alphabet agencies who are promoting these assholes who spout off at the mouth to get Americans to react before they can think and ferret out the truth. The average Mexican just wants to feed his family and pay his fn bills like all of us. What we have is lawless men promoting chaos for their own ends.

    Don’t get sucked into this vortex, sit back, think and remember 9-11, the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, Sarajevo, Gulf of Tonkin and most of all color revolutions etc… Who is behind the drug cartels? You know the answer to when this little prick spouts off, look under the covers. Who is pushing to get us to start murdering each other? Why get yourself killed to fulfill their agenda? Madmen are promoting insanity, will we become like them? I pray not. Just look at both sides and see if those are the asses you want to align yourself with.

    1. UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL!!!! We are easier to control when we are fighting against each other! Just what the elites want !!!

  5. “Castaneda is openly admitting a willingness to promote drug trafficking.”

    Even the Clintons weren’t THAT bold.

    I say flood Mexico with the LGBT crowd here in retaliation… parachute them in by the thousands… WAY south of OUR border.

    1. Catapult the wetbacks back to their home and air drop the lgbtqbgdyd crowd into their territory! 🙂 The ensuing oil slick will have them all sliding back toward the equator.

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