Mexican Teenagers Arrested Stealing Firearms

 KRGV 5 News

PHARR – Two teenagers from Mexico are jailed for their part in firearm burglaries on several ranches in the McCook-Lynn area.

Julio Zapien Calderon, 17 years old, was arraigned on nine counts of burglary. A 14-year-old boy was also charged in connection with the break-ins. His name cannot be release because he is a minor.

Bond for each suspect was set at $450,000 dollars each.  

Calderon told Justice of the Peace Rosa Trevino that he arrived in the Rio Grande Valley just over a month ago from Mexico and was staying with people he did not know. He also did not know the city where he lived. His responses and demeanor led Trevino to believe he was a troubled young man possibly victimized by older adults.

Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Investigators said the pair, along with several other who have yet to be arrested, are accused of hitting eight locations on Sept. 12 and one on Sept. 10. Investigators believe they are part of a burglary ring.

Ranchers believe the suspects were targeting their ranch homes looking for firearms. One rancher said two rifles were taken from his property. They have some peace of mind from the arrests but are not taking any chances. Some ranchers are considering installing video cameras or motion sensors on their property.


One thought on “Mexican Teenagers Arrested Stealing Firearms

  1. I guess they forgot to get in line when Eric Holder was handing them out.

    It actually sounds like they’re working for a gang. This may be an initiation rite, but the criminal wet-backs invited in by our criminal government are probably finding out by now that there aren’t any jobs for them either, so they’re going to need a lot of guns to make ends meet.

    This brewing crime wave will serve the goals of gun grabbers, who will confiscate the firearms of anyone defending themselves, and use the crime wave itself as an excuse for more gun laws.

    With every day that passes in peace, our problems increase, our battle gets tougher, and more of our soldiers are imprisoned or disarmed.

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